

回神 网络解释

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1. Refreshment:Reezel 里札爾 | Refreshment 回神 | Refugee Duelists 難民鬥士

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. Returning to Now:7. Layers of Tranquility 宁神 | 8. Returning to Now 回神 | 9. Way of the Winding Valley 风谷的路

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3. Be Here Now:平衡Balance | 回神Be Here Now | 抉擇Becoming Decisive

回神 双语例句

1. 回神

1. Malfoy转了转眼珠,继续回神去审视大厅里的壁画。
    Malfoy rolled his eyes and went back to examining the hallway paint job.

2. 浪屿》之前,有次写生;越过空旷的沙滩发现两块大礁石,安置好画具开始得意,视野是倾斜的海面直到我脚下的一块石头边,偶尔被冲击出的浪花溅湿脚面;迅速调了颜色随着海水的拍击声,回流时伴着白沫儿沙沙的响声,描绘着与梦中色彩的调和;一时间忘形海水从脚边拍了上来,裤子全湿,不及站起又一浪回来,嘴里咸咸,两只笔游走,立刻回神用力拉住画儿,抓住笔按住调色板,回头身后有人帮助把颜料提起,等退到沙滩上,又见海水强劲地没过刚才还露出一米多的顶部。
    When I turned my head I found somebody had filed my pigments.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 眼看先发投手小民才刚扭转局面,从五球保送第一棒Reggie Willits的劣势中回神过来,成功抓到Willits盗垒,接著又连续三振二名打者。
    Considering starter Chien-Ming Wang had just pitched a sharp first inning, coming back from a leadoff five-pitch walk to Reggie Willits to record back-to-back strikeouts after Willits was caught stealing, there was reason to fear the worst.

4. 当车子停稳,我回神调匀呼吸,赶快连络警察、找拖吊车,处理完现场,即刻到医院检查身体、照 X 光,奇妙的是,在被撞上的那时,我明明感觉身体四处受到碰撞,但是经过检查却没有任何外伤,我想也许是在危机当下,因为心定且静,自己已做出正确的处理,所以才化险为夷。
    I deep breathed and connected the police and the crane as soon as possible in the scene of the accident. I also went to the hospital to take a check for health. Luckily, I was not wounded even though I really suffered from physical shocks. Maybe it was because that I was stable and calm so that I could respond appropriately and prevented from damages.

5. 心志 高昂的慕耳弥冬人收拾起偿礼,抬回神一样的阿基琉斯的海船,堆放在他的营棚;他们安顿下那些女子,高傲的随从们把得取的骏足牵人阿基琉斯的马群。
    The Myrmidons attended to the presents and took them away to the ship of Achilles.

6. 一旦开始打量她的身体,他的注视便再也不能回神——而通常应该注视的是某人的鼻子尖。他的这一注视是他的宗师和瑜伽圣典所不允许的。
    His gaze, once it had begun to hover about her body, would not return to its anchor—which would normally be the tip of one's nose, as enjoined by his guru and the yoga shastras.

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7. 浙江省发改委副主任黄勇指出:政府更要积极主动服务企业,不但可使企业缓气回神,更能使企业信心大增。
    Huang Yong, deputy director of Zhejiang Provincial Development and Reform Commission pointed out: the Government must actively take the initiative to service enterprises, enterprises will not only缓气back to God, but also can increase business confidence.

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8. 隔了好一会儿,吴登兴才回神,猛然想起神筊还握在手里,赶忙对空连抛三次、都求得应筊,吴登兴正庆幸求签这麼顺利,没想到竟抽中「签王」,「来意不诚,叩首一百拜」,虽然众目睽睽,吴登兴只得如捣蒜般连续叩首一百次。
    Despite all the curious onlookers, Wu had no choice but to do 100 consecutive kowtows, as if he were pounding garlic with a pestle.

9. 我紧张得凝视著一个地方,似乎过了许久,我才回神
    I nervously stared into space for what seemed like minutes until I regained my composure.

10. [目的]观察回神颗粒对再生过程中神经组织形态学以及失神经支配的腓肠肌肌细胞形态计量学的影响,探讨其对周围神经损伤的治疗效果。
    [Objective] To investigate the effect of Hui-shen (restoring mental function) granule on the morphologic change of nerve tissues and the shape metrology of the calf muscular cells during the regeneration to indicate the therapeutic effect.

11. 回神什么意思

11. 15点后两天大餐,这些灯照亮了回神后的世界。
      After a sumptuous fifteen-day feast, these lanterns light the way for the spirits back to the world beyond.

12. 回神给我几分钟,几分钟就好!
      Give me few minutes, few minutes will do!

13. 回神在线翻译

13. 尼希米要指出的重点是:他们要重新住回神的城市,也就是圣洁的城。
      Nehemiah wanted to emphasize that they were to repopulate God's city, the holy city.

14. 你回神过来时突然就有十个女孩站在那。
      You look around and then there's suddenly ten girls over there.

15. 回神的解释

15. 耶稣总是指着你的境界的心,至于你认识回神
      Jesus is always pointing you to the realm of the heart, turning your awareness back to God.

16. 当我回神时,门已经被砰然关上并上锁了。
      When I find my soul back, the door has been slammed shut and locked.

17. 但等他回神后,之后三局只用了34球。
      But he settled down, using 34 pitches for his final three innings.

18. [结论]回神颗粒是治疗周围神经损伤的有效中药制剂。
      [Conclusions] The Hui-shen granule is an effective Chinese medicine herb.

19. [目的]观察回神颗粒对再生过程中神经组织形态学以及失神经支配的腓肠肌肌细胞形态计量学的影响,探讨其对周围神经损伤的治疗效果。
      [ Objective ] To investigate the effect of Hui-shen (restoring mental function) granule on the morphologic change of nerve tissues and the shape metrology of the calf muscular cells during the regeneration to indicate the therapeutic effect.

20. 回神是什么意思

20. [结论]回神颗粒是治疗周围神经损伤的有效中药制剂。
      [ Conclusions ] The Hui-shen granule is an effective Chinese medicine herb.
