

回光返照[huí guāng fǎn zhào ]

词典the last radiance of the setting sun回光返照。


词典momentary recovery of consciousness just before death


词典a sudden spurt of activity prior to collapse

回光返照 汉英大词典

回光返照[huí guāng fǎn zhào]

(落日前的光) the last radiance of the setting sun

回光返照 双语例句

1. 回光返照

1. 这是好战分子余孽的回光返照,还是新一轮流血冲突的开始呢?
    Is this the dying embers of a waning conflict or a new one flaring up?

2. 然而,我们的最大希望就是出现一次回光返照--整个急速下跌过程中的一个小插曲。
    The best that can be expected, however, is a dead-cat bounce that recovers only a fraction of the steep loss.

3. 回光返照什么意思

3. 如果短线成交量迅速萎缩,筹码高位套牢,则大户们会发动自救式反弹,机械、基建和铁路股还有一次回光返照式的冲锋。
    If the rapid decline of the volume of short-term, high lock-in chips, will launch a large self-rebound, machinery, infrastructure and railway shares also a reflection of the setting sun-like assault.

4. 在你死去以前,你应该尽量利用时间。&李奇蒙《回光返照之新样》。
    Take time before time takes you. & Richmond, A New Look from Borrowed Time.

5. 回光返照

5. 热钱:是金钱雨还是崩溃前夜的回光返照
    Hot money: money is the last gasps before rain or near collapse?

6. 回光返照

6. 这里的回光返照是双关语。
    This lightning before death plays on the word.

7. 即使是在回光返照的那周,虽然行将就木,却老当益壮,生动活泼,还能接住厨房扔来的花生。
    Even during her miracle week, knowing how fragile Taylor was, we marveled at her youthful attitude, expressive face and eyes, and uncanny ability to catch a peanut tossed across the kitchen.
