

Four Fu;
四赋 双语例句

1. 今《孔丛子》中所存题名为孔臧的四赋二书,其作者和写作时间历来多为学者们所质疑。
    It has been constantly disputed among scholars that who is the original author of the four poems and two letters with signature of Kong Zang in Kong Cong Zi and when they were written.

2. 据今存先梁赋考察,此四赋具有意蕴丰厚、生命情怀强烈与文采斐然、结构巧妙等突出的艺术特质并广受先梁士人的好评。
    According to the existing fu of Pre-Liang Dynasties, the four have outstanding artistic qualities such as rich implications, strong feelings about life, striking literary talent and ingenious structure. They were widely praised by the scholars in Pre-Liang Dynasties.
