1. 嚣嚣的近义词
1. 让我的想法和作品成为嚣嚣尘世上的正宗,这个念头我没有,也不敢有。
I have no motive or even dare not to have one, which to be the authority of the immortal life.
2. 让我的想法和作品成为嚣嚣尘世上的正宗,这个念头我没有,也不敢有。
I have not and even dare not to have the idea that my work should be the orthodox one within the hullabaloo world.
3. 嚣嚣的近义词
3. 当然,他是把尘世的嚣嚣都考虑在内了,我觉得用不着想那么多。
Apparently, he has noticed the hustle and bustle of the current world [微软用户23], in my mind, it's much simpler.
4. 假如宮里的女人想死就死得了,皇帝身边就没人了。除了这一点好处,其他都不是好处。何况尘世嚣嚣,我们不管干什么,都是困难重重。
If women of the imperial palace is able to die as she like, and then there will be no one besides the emperor.
5. 嚣嚣的反义词
5. 笔者在维修电工实训中有机会学习了X62W型万能铣床的控制线路,并对这一电路进行了分析与研究,了解到了这一电路在设计上的一些缺陷,并提出了自己的改进设计方案,旨在通过这一改进线路能使X62W型万能铣床在电气功能上更加完善,使机床的操作更为方便与安熊I藏耕警嚣嚣l 器妻蓑弄图1 X62W 万能铣床控制线路电路图2006-01—04 蔡美茹(1964一),女,陕西富平人,浙江工商职业技术学院机电工程系讲师,主要从事高职院校实验实训方面研究。45 第5卷第2期2∞6年4月浙江工商职业技术学院学报。。。。。。
The improved plan was actually carried out and operated on the analog circuit of X62W type universal milling machine. The characteristics of plan are easy designing, convenient mounting and even more perfection on functions without changing the original electric operation program and making the machine more convenient and safer in operation of the machine.