

Pupu sound;
噗噗声 双语例句

1. 柴油发动机发出低低的噗噗声,象是一个打磕睡的动物,歇一会儿,然后继续干活。
    Its diesel motor was purring quietly like a snoozing animal giving itself some rest before going back to its work.

2. 噗噗声的意思

2. 噗噗声一种嘈杂的噗噗或爆炸声,比如火车头发出的声音交通的嘈杂声使他不安。
    A noisy puffing or explosive sound, such as one made by a locomotive. The noise of the traffic worried her.

3. 噗噗声什么意思

3. 在这所房子的房间里,曾经有几十个还在吃奶的婴儿大声哭叫过,而现在里面却回响着小鸡啄食的噗噗声
    The rooms wherein dozens of infants had wailed at their nursing now resounded with the tapping of nascent chicks.

4. 噗噗声的意思

4. 炉火上的水壶正发出噗噗声
    The pot is bubbling on the fire.

5. 噗噗声的解释

5. 摩托启动时发出了咳嗽般的噗噗声,但是后来就运转良好了。
    The motor coughed at the start, but worked perfectly in the end.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. 在繁忙的铁路车场中,换轨器不停地发出噗噗声(罗伯特保罗乔丹)
    Switch engines chuffed impatiently in busy rail yards (Robert Paul Jordan)
