

嘻戏 双语例句

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1. 偶尔,布朗也和他的小儿子嘻戏
    Sometimes, Mr Brown and his sun petry play catch.

2. 使草的绿叶和鸟的鸣啭,嘻戏玩耍的儿童,天上的云朵
    Green blades of grass and warbling birds, children that gambol and

3. 嘻戏

3. 但就在他拔出佩剑的一刹那,忠实的约翰复活了,他站在国王的面前,挡住了他的去路,说道:「你的真心诚意应该得到报答。」两个孩子仍欢蹦活跳、喧闹嘻戏着,就像甚么事也没有发生过一样。
    And when he had smeared the stone with their blood, it returned to life, and faithful Johannes stood before him, again healthy and well.

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4. 那里是我曾嘻戏的草地。
    Where I used to play on the green.

5. 那里是我曾嘻戏的草地。
    And the gates of this Chapel were shut

6. 嘻戏的反义词

6. 发现在离我们12英尺远的地方,有2只母狮子和8只小幼狮正在高高的草丛里嘻戏
    There in the long grass about twelve feet away two other lioness and eight cubs were playing.

7. 嘻戏

7. 吃完后又摇着尾巴嘻戏玩耍了。
    Finished playing and then wagged his tail the.

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8. 风平浪静,红白色小艇泊于海上,乖巧温顺;大群的海鸥与喂食的人嘻戏;堤岸小广场上三三两两的人,或闲走或放风筝或静坐,不同的脸上写着相同的阳光与微笑。
    Red and white boats moor alongside the calm surface. A whole flock of seagulls` only pecking at their feed with human being, a few visitors idling about on the square all contribute to a same happiness outcome.

9. 孩子们忙于在浅水里嘻戏,在沙上修筑城堡。
    Children are busy splashing around or building the sand castles.

10. 他们睡得就像还活着似的。那真是一片欢乐的土地,淙淙的溪水,河流里满是嘻戏的鱼:绿鳍鱼、鲽鱼、石斑鱼、庸蝶、雄黑线鳍、幼鲑、比目鱼、滑菱鲆、鲽形目鱼、绿鳕,下等杂鱼以及水界的其他不胜枚举的鱼类。
    A pleasant land it is in sooth of murmuring waters, fishful streams where sport the gurnard, the plaice, the roach, the halibut, the gibbed haddock, the grilse, the dab, the brill, the flounder, the pollock, the mixed coarse fish generally and other denizens of the aqueous kingdom too numerous to be enumerated.

11. 嘻戏的近义词

11. 回到温暖的阳光下嘻戏
      Return to the warm sun with happiness.

12. 一只宽吻海豚在夏威夷威玛纳诺礁湖上嘻戏着。
      A bottlenose dolphin plays in a lagoon in Waimanalo, Hawaii.

13. 仿佛看到鱼儿在浪中嘻戏;鸟儿在云端飞翔;百兽在原野奔跑;小虫在田间鸣叫。
      Entranced, I see fish playing in the water, birds flitting past cloud tips, beasts of all descriptions racing down the prairie, and insects chirping in the field.

14. 嘻戏的解释

14. 如果你有幸买得起,还可以替自己买一副特轻人造假肢,最好是铝的,它不妨碍你喝开胃酒、上动物园去看动物或是同时刻准备扑向一块新鲜的臭肉、沿着林荫道飞来飞去的兀鹰嘻戏
      You wear a piece of black crepe on your arm, you have a little ribbon in your buttonhole, and, if you are lucky enough to afford it, you buy yourself a pair of artificial lightweight limbs, aluminium preferably. Which does not prevent you from enjoying an apéritif or looking at the animals in the zoo or flirting with the vultures who sail up and down the boulevards always on the alert for fresh carrion.
