

嘲谑[cháo xuè]



嘲谑 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 杂四夷及兵赋包括用诙谐嘲谑的笔触所写的反映民族斗争、民族融合、民族文化的韵诵体作品。
    Za fu of " surrounding tribes and ware " are written in a jocular and mocking note, and they are works in a chanting style about the national struggles, national fusions and national cultures.

2. 嘲谑的翻译

2. 但荀子和宋玉的作品以庄重的回答为主,而《答客难》则夹杂着深刻的嘲谑,这些嘲谑又是通过一种“豁达”表现出来的。
    However, while the works by Songyu mainly focus on solemn replies, " Da Ke Nan " is mixed up with profound ridiculing and banter, which are expressed by means of optimism.

3. 嘲谑的解释

3. 杂四夷及兵赋包括用诙谐嘲谑的笔触所写的反映民族斗争、民族融合、民族文化的韵诵体作品。
    Za fu of " surrounding tribes and ware " are written in a jocular and mocking note, and they are works in a chanting style about the national struggles, national fusions and national cultures.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 但荀子和宋玉的作品以庄重的回答为主,而《答客难》则夹杂着深刻的嘲谑,这些嘲谑又是通过一种“豁达”表现出来的。
    However, while the works by Songyu mainly focus on solemn replies," Da Ke Nan " is mixed up with profound ridiculing and banter, which are expressed by means of optimism.

5. 嘲谑的解释

5. 妻子半开玩笑半嘲谑道:强硬了一辈子,你终于也有不行的时候呀,别是更年期到了吧?
    Half-jokingly half嘲谑wife: The tough for a lifetime, you finally have time to do it, do not it is the menopause?

6. 嘲谑是什么意思

6. 比如对名画《蒙娜丽莎》的经典解释,与作品其实可能是作者自画像的事实之间的嘲谑,就是一个独一无二有例子。
    The classical interpretations of the famous Mona Lisa, for instance, in which the artist may have intended to create a satirical self-portrait, is a unique example.
