

嘁嘁[qī qī]


嘁嘁 双语例句

1. 特别是这位酋长引起了一阵轻微的骚动和嘁嘁喳喳的声音。
    In an instant there was a buzz of action and conversation.

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2. 他们在嘁嘁喳喳地交谈。
    They were talking in whisper s.

3. 嘁嘁的反义词

3. 通常总有人会嘁嘁喳喳地告诉我们要热情些。
    Usually, some chirpy person would tell us to be more enthusiastic.

4. 嘁嘁的反义词

4. 我听到许多鸟儿在林里嘁嘁喳喳。。。
    The baby for hours... i heard many birds in the woods.

5. 他总是嘁嘁喳喳讲个不停。
    He's always twittering on.

6. 他总是嘁嘁喳喳讲个不停。
    He's always''.

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7. 他幻想中的呓语声,又开始嘁嘁喳喳响了起来,如同被狂野的音乐激起了亢奋之情的狂欢者。
    His voices came chittering back, revelers excited by wild music.

8. 我们说不准这个差劲的新生会成就什么事,但是不以为然的嘁嘁嚓嚓声一排排地流传开来。
    We weren`t sure what to make of the shoddy newcomer, but whispers of disapproval began drifting from row to row.

9. 丈母娘和妻子整天在电话里叽叽嘁嘁,总有说不完,道不尽的悄悄话。
    My mother-in-law and my wife always chat on the phone for hours and hours.

10. 突然,一群小孩冲中过她的窗口,一边还兴奋地嘁嘁喳喳说着话。
    Suddenly a bunc h of young children burst past her window buzzing with excitement.

11. 她健康好动,一刻不停,活像一只刚从笼子里放出来的黄莺,嘁嘁喳喳的,对什麼都感到新奇。
      She was healthy and constantly active, much in the manner of a golden oriole that had been freed from its cage. She chattered on and on and was curious about everything.

12. 他嘁嘁喳喳地说要买个新作坊。
      He twittered on about buying a new workshop.

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13. 观众都愣住了,人群中嘁嘁喳喳议论了好长时间。
      There was stupefaction; a long murmur arose among the crowd.

14. 我隐约听到隔壁房间嘁嘁喳喳的说话声。
      I heard the faint babble in the neighbouring room.

15. 嘁嘁的解释

15. 他们驶近一个从茂密的山冈下来的交叉道时,马蹄声和车轮声听得更清楚了,同时从树林背后传来嘁嘁喳喳的女人争吵声和欢笑声。
      As they neared the intersecting road that came down the thickly wooded hill from Mimosa and fairhill, the sound of hooves and carriage wheels became plainer and clamorous feminine voices raised in pleasant dispute sounded from behind the screen of trees.

16. 嘁嘁的近义词

16. 特别是这位酋长引起了一阵轻微的骚动和嘁嘁喳喳的声音。
      The sheik in particular caused a slight stir and buzz.

17. 嘁嘁的近义词

17. 当他走进客厅的时候,宾客们早就到了,嘁嘁喳喳地在谈论着即将到来的暴风雨。
      When he reached the drawing-room the guests were there already, chattering of the coming storm.

18. 你们两个小姑娘在嘁嘁喳喳地说些什么呀?
      What are you two girls whispering about?

19. 嘁嘁是什么意思

19. 它把噫噫咬我手指的地方弄干净了。嘁嘁的小硬嘴正好擅长干这个。
      It cleaned my finger where Eee-Eee had bitten me. CheepCheep's hard little mouth was good at that.

20. 嘁嘁

20. 然后年轻的先生们中间嘁嘁喳喳地响起一片讲话的声音,董贝要走了!
      A boy then went round among the young gentlemen, of'Dombey's going!
