




嗳呀 网络解释

1. Lawk:law of the jungle 弱肉强食 | Lawk 嗳呀! | lawks 嗳呀!

2. lawks:Lawk 嗳呀! | lawks 嗳呀! | lawless 非法的

3. danci.911cha.com

3. fancy that:53. excepting that conj. 除了 | 54. fancy that 嗳呀 | 55. feature that 特别是; 主要特征为

嗳呀 双语例句

1. 嗳呀!一定是常先生,噢!
    Upon my word if it is not Mr. Chang.

2. 嗳呀
    Upon my word if it is not Mr.

3. 嗳呀什么意思

3. 嗳呀!这肉臭啦。
    Pooh! This meat is rotten.

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. 嗳呀,班纳特太太听得叫了起来,一面又摇了摇头。那么,她比多少姑娘们都福气她。
    Cried Mrs. Bennet, shaking her head, then she is better off than many girls.

5. 嗳呀!好大的狗哇!
    Crikey! what a big dog!

6. 嗳呀

6. 嗳呀,你下一次恐怕要我轰炸埃森市了!
    Why, you will be asking me to bomb Essen next!

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7. 嗳呀,多么荒唐!吞咽了一只鸟!
    Now, how absurd! To swallow a bird!

8. 嗳呀,你们能来波士顿真是太好了。
    Gee, it's race to have you here in boston.

9. 嗳呀的解释

9. 嗳呀!他自言自语地说,他们是多好的人啊!忠诚到底。
    'Aah!'he said to himself.'What fine men They were! Loyal to the end.

10. 嗳呀的反义词

10. “嗳呀,谢尔顿!”他声调平静而快活地说:“我真高兴终于在这儿看到你这个香客了。”
    " Ah, shelton!" he said, in his quietly festive voice; " I'm glad to see the pilgrim here, at last. "

11. “嗳呀,谢尔顿!”他声调平静而快活地说:“我真高兴终于在这儿看到你这个香客了。”
      " Ah, shelton!" he said, in his quietly festive voice;" I'm glad to see the pilgrim here, at last. "
