

Go skiing;
嗑睡 双语例句

1. 吸入:对呼吸系数有轻微的刺激,过分吸入烟雾可能会引起嗑睡感。
    Excessively inhalation of smog may cause sleeping.

2. 这句话的意思是说,诗才傲人的荷马也打盹,我当然愤慨;不过此长篇力作,偶尔打打嗑睡倒是情有可原的。
    I, too, am indignant when the worthy Homer nods, but in a long work it is allowable to snatch a sleep.

3. 嗑睡

3. 对呼吸系数有轻微的刺激,过分吸入烟雾可能会引起嗑睡感。
    Routes of exposure: Inhalation, Ingestion, Skin contact.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 这头狮子平时住在森林里,赫拉克勒斯进入森林中找寻他,只是森林中一片寂静,所有的动物,小鸟、鹿、松鼠都被狮子吃得干干净净,赫拉克勒斯找累了就打起嗑睡来。
    The lion usually live in the forest, heracles'into the woods looking for him in the forest, but silence, all the animals, birds, deer, squirrels are lions eat neatly, heracles'looking tired was to take.

5. 嗑睡的反义词

5. 这头狮子平时住在森林里,赫五力进入森林中找寻他,只是森林中一片寂静,所有的动物,小鸟、鹿、松鼠都被狮子吃得干干净净,赫五力找累了就打起嗑睡来。
    This lion usually lives in the forest, the five strength enter in the forest to pursue him, is only in the forest a silence, all animals, the bird, the deer, the squirrel are eaten by the lion cleanly, the five strength looked tired have hit crack with the teeth rest.

6. 失眠是指睡眠的始发和维持发生障碍,致使睡眠的质和量不能满足身体的生理需要,引起患者躯体乏困、精神萎靡、头昏、惊慌、嗑睡、注意力不集中、记忆力减退等症状。
    Insomnia refers to the origin and maintenance of sleep obstacles occur, with the result that the quality and quantity of sleep can not meet the body's physiological needs, the hardship caused by patients with poor physical, spiritual malaise, dizziness, panic, sleep, concentration, memory, etc. symptoms.
