

Chirp chirp;
啾啾唧唧 双语例句

1. 啾啾唧唧的意思

1. 一只鸟儿在树梢的枝丫上唧唧啾啾地唱着。
    A bird was singing in the topmost branches of the tree.

2. 之后,听到卜特太太的声音微弱地啾啾唧唧地响起来了,人们恭维说这是唱歌,唱的全是好极了的上品,并且这是严丝密缝地合乎她所扮的角色的。
    After which, the voice of Mrs Pott was heard to chip faintly forth, something which courtesy interpreted into a song, which was all very classical, and strictly in character

3. 有一次,一群鸟儿从我们头顶飞过。啾啾唧唧地清脆得像铃声一样叫着归巢;这阵悦耳的声音在雪茫茫的寂静中,听起来就像一曲绝妙的仙乐。
    Once, a flock of birds flew past overhead, on their way to some hidden roosting place, uttering as they flew a clear bell-like chirp; and there was something ethereal in those drops of melodious sound, which fell through the snowy silence like a disembodied song.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. 小提琴家用他的乐器奏出了令人惊异极为丰富多彩的乐曲清泉:时而像清脆的粒粒水滴,颗颗珠子,时而像鸟儿在啾啾唧唧和谐地鸣唱,时而又像一阵狂风吹过云杉树林。
    The performer had produced from his instrument a richness of tone that sometimes sounded like tinkling waterdrops or rolling pearls; sometimes like the birds twittering in chorus, and then rising and swelling in sound like the wind through the fir-trees.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 有一次,一群鸟儿从我们头顶飞过。啾啾唧唧地清脆得像铃声一样叫着归巢;
    Once, a flock of birds flew past overhead, on their way to some hidden roosting place, uttering as they flew a clear bell-like chirp;
