

啼饥号寒[tí jī háo hán]

词典cry from hunger and cold啼饥号寒。

词典cry out in hunger and cold啼饥号寒。


词典The pangs of hunger and cold are in full cry.啼饥号寒。


词典the plaintive cries of cold and hunger啼饥号寒。

啼饥号寒 汉英大词典

啼饥号寒[tí jī háo hán]


cry from hunger and cold; cry out in hunger and cold; The pangs of hunger and cold are in full cry.; the plaintive cries of cold and hunger; wail [moan] with hunger and cold

啼饥号寒 双语例句

1. 啼饥号寒

1. 战争期间,数以百万计的人民都沦落到啼饥号寒或一贫如洗的地步。
    Millions of people were rendered partially or wholly destitute during the war.

2. 在物质上,掠夺普通人民的衣食,使广大人民啼饥号寒
    Materially, he is robbing the common people even of their food and clothing, making them cry out in hunger and cold

3. 终日,一个贫寒的小男孩为了攒够膏火正挨家挨户地倾销商品。啼饥号寒的他摸遍周身,却惟有一角钱。
    One day, a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by selling goods door to door found that he only had one dime left.

4. 啼饥号寒的翻译

4. 豪门灯红酒绿,街头啼饥号寒
    While the house of the rich and powerful present a scene of feasting and revelry, cries of hunger and cold are heard out in the streets.

5. 啼饥号寒

5. 他们啼饥号寒
    They cry from hunger and cold.

6. 啼饥号寒是什么意思

6. 在物质上,掠夺普通人民的衣食,使广大人民啼饥号寒
    Materially, he is robbing the common people even of their food and clothing, making them cry out in hunger and cold;
