

啧有烦言[zé yǒu fán yán]

词典There are complaints all around.啧有烦言。


词典There are a lot of complaints.啧有烦言。

啧有烦言 汉英大词典

啧有烦言[zé yǒu fán yán]

There are complaints all around.; There are a lot of complaints.

啧有烦言 双语例句

1. 然而到了1980年,外来的游客开始对闹市区的犯罪活动啧有烦言
    By 1980, however, visitors began complaining about crime downtown

2. 啧有烦言

2. 又及:以上所有内容均来自一篇专栏文章,这篇文章对奥巴马大获媒体青睐啧有烦言
    PS: all this comes in the middle of a column whining about favorable press treatment of Obama.

3. 啧有烦言的意思

3. 当然,适度的泡沫也很正常,但房价不断上涨,很多人买不起房,也就啧有烦言
    Of course, also very normal modest bubble, but prices rising, many people can not afford housing, they attempt to speak with Irritating statement.

4. 你可以看出我现在啧有烦言,因为我这一辈子的投资已惨遭巨创,原先做好的退休打算,也许永远地泡汤了。
    As you can tell I am not a happy person right now, since my life long investements have been devistated and I may never have a reitrement like I was planning for.

5. 啧有烦言的解释

5. 双方立场观点尽管不同,大家都对政府监管常常既贵又无效啧有烦言,同时也抱怨政府施行了几十年的社会福利政策没有办法应付弱势阶层。
    From their different perspectives, both sides complain that government regulation is often costly and ineffectual, and that many decades of social welfare have failed to get to grips with an underclass.

6. 啧有烦言

6. 人们对经济、利率和房价啧有烦言
    There have been grouses about the economy, interest rates and house prices.

7. 然而,在黑人居住的小镇上,人们却对改革的缓慢进展充满怀疑、啧有烦言
    Within the black townships, however, there is cynicism and impatience with the slow pace of reform.
