

唔使 网络解释

1. 唔使

1. kgwg:唔食烟 kwol | 唔使 kgwg | 唔使计 kwyf

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. wlsf:lvqx 落枪 | wlsf 唔使 | wlzq 唔知

3. 唔使的意思

3. wu shi:谷歌拼音版词库 by yellow | 唔使 wu shi | 你哋 ni di

唔使 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 离「翠园」星巴克不远的小店,但咖啡同食物质素都好好多,并设有套餐,所以价钱亦经济好多。光顾当日叫了辣热狗茶餐,26元,有一只辣热狗同一杯例牌咖啡,热狗系小辣,怕辣的人都可以试,配上茄汁和芥辣,酸酸辣辣很醒胃,而且还细心地切开了一半,食个阵唔使好似吞剑咁狼狈。
    Recommended by a good friend of mine, joe the coffee mania, who nicely dropped me by; it's a cosy tiny cafe set in the middle of a busy hub, filled with quite a number of regulars with menus on board by side, I was warmly welcomed by the lady in charge and had a try of the day's blend, sumatra, nicely brewed with a tint of strongly fruity aroma, even though cream milk was added, the taste was neiter masked or tasted diluted.

2. 唔使的解释

2. 我唔使尊重同害怕任何人!
    I do not to respect and fear anyone!

3. 依个只不过是一个微不足道的错误,唔使介意啦。
    It's just a minor mistake. Never mind it.

4. 唔使,佢寻日排}三、四个钟都冇问题。
    The rehearsal of last night lasted for 3 to 4 hours, she has no problem.

5. 唔使的意思

5. 唔使理佢,他一向是甘样架。
    Never mind him. He's been always like this.

6. 劈落黎咯,唔使琳拉,如果个天比多次机会我,我就会同个女仔讲三只字,我爱
    The God, I will tell the girl I once lose, only three words, just

7. 真系下半世唔使忧啦。
    It can sustain you through all your remaining life.

8. 唔使什么意思

8. 其实大家真系唔使陲蚺擗曀央A你平禶|影到蚕僭捸I」而提及日前有报道指阿梅正接受化疗,Mariane则强调只是电疗,并说:「激死人咩!
    Actually, you do not need to wait here daily. You would not be able to photograph anything!'There was news days ago reporting Ah Mui was receiving chemo treatment. Marianne stressed that it is radiotherapy and said:'Really annoying! Always misunderstood.

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. 如果我地唔使咬住个香味猪扒包,珍宝大热狗,生滚猪膶粥,辣辣猪耳仔,南乳猪脚面,同埋噼叻大肉肠嘅话,猪流感又会唔会杀到来呢?
    If it wasn't necessary for us to gorge down our pork chop buns, hot dog, pig liver congee, pig ear dim sum, pig feet noodle and all the yummy sausages, would Swine-flu mean anything to us?

10. 昨晚记者联络他们,原来三人已经在阿梅屋企陪她,阿伦说:「我下午要去深圳,志伟拍紧戏,我都问过阿梅使唔使陪佢去记者会,佢唔想我推工作,有心就得,所以我咪无罗!
    As Alan had to go the Shenzhen yesterday afternoon, Eric had to work for the movie so Ah Mui told them that they should go to work.

11. 我又唔使晒力气,你就兴奋,我地两个有排卜吖,终于稳到对手
      I won't spend efford and you many enjoy, we both can ge plearsure from it finally, I find a oppenent.
