

哐当[kuāng dāng]



哐当 双语例句

1. 哐当

1. 接着她又摇了起来,杰克的骨头把圆桶碰得哐当直响。
    And on went the churn, and Jack's bones rattled round again.

2. 哐当的解释

2. 哐当当,哐当当,我在钟声中起舞,祝福这对新人。。。
    Heavenlyblessing this to the new person...

3. 风一吹,门哐当一声就关上了!
    The door banged shut after a gust of wind.

4. 2009年9月11日的早上7:25左右,我像往常一样开车去上班,走到人和的红绿灯处,在一辆出租车的左边停下来,我听见后面一辆大卡车使劲按着喇叭,还没等我反应过来,只听见哐当哐当一声巨响,我右边的出租车不见了,一辆大卡车撞上了它,推着它走了大约100米远才停下来,出租车旁边的一辆中巴车也被撞翻了,还有一辆摩托车也翻在地上,整个事件的发生如此的突然,我惊魂未定,只看见中巴车里的人在爬起,脸上流着血,摩托车上的人倒在地上起不来,而出租车上的驾驶员和乘客怎样不得而知,出租车后半部分已经被大卡车撞扁了,如果后排坐了乘客肯定死了。
    On Sep 11th, at about 7:25 in the morning, I drove my car to work like before.

5. 接着她又摇了起来,杰克的骨头把圆桶碰得哐当直响。
    Well, none of us ventured to interfere; and at last'a promised to make it right wi'her.

6. 那声音越来越近,我们坐在那里连气都不敢出,接着,有人重重地敲打店门,我们听到门把被人转动的声音,门闩发出哐当哐当的响声,那个恶棍想进来。
    It drew nearer and nearer, while we sat holding our breath. Then it struck sharp on the inn door, and then we could hear the handle being turned, and the bolt rattling as the wretched being tried to enter

7. 听到“哐当”声,平头男子连忙俯下身去,将退出来的游戏币拾起来。
    Hear the " bang when " sound, flat head man quickly bent over, the game will be out to pick up the money to.

8. 在经过多年生锈闲置之后,这辆德法机车哐当哐当地重回人们的视野。
    After years rusting in the sidings, the Franco-German locomotive has chugged back into view.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. 哐当一声,门被踢开了。
    The door was kicked open with a bang.

10. 从那些紫色的额头上哐当坠下。
    Fell with a clatter from purpled foreheads.

11. 听到“哐当”声,平头男子连忙俯下身去,将退出来的游戏币拾起来。
      Hear the " bang when " sound, flat head man quickly bent over, the game will be out to pick up the money to.
