




响鼻 双语例句

1. 有时可以听见猎人的唿哨声,马的响鼻声,或者是离开原地乱走的猎犬刺耳的吠声。
    When they had gone a verst, five more horsemen accompanied by dogs appeared out of the mist to meet the Rostovs.

2. 最后,研究人员发现在频繁的响鼻声中的高潮部分提供了它们在种群中的优势的相关信息,同时包括它们的皮毛的状况。
    Finally, the researchers discovered that peaks in snort-frequency provided information on an animal`s dominance, and also the condition of its pelt.

3. 因此弗吉尼亚正在想方设法,限制这种毛茸茸的,打着响鼻的野猪。
    As a result, the state is considering ways to limit the numbers of the hairy, snorting hogs.

4. 响鼻的翻译

4. 那匹马不管露出恐怖的样子好不好,先打了个响鼻,竖起前蹄,险些儿把那个少校掀下来,然后向一旁跑开了。
    The horse, with no question of whether it were right or wrong to show fear, snorted, reared, almost throwing the major, and galloped away.

5. 响鼻的反义词

5. 一个年轻的金发士兵——安德烈公爵认识他——是三连的,小腿肚上系一条皮带,画着十字往后退几步,以便更好地跑动,然后跳进水里去,另一个黑黑的,头发总是乱蓬蓬的军士,站在齐腰深的水里,肌肉发达的身子颤抖着高兴地喷着响鼻,用两只粗黑的手捧水淋自己的脑袋。
    Another swarthy and very towzle-headed sergeant up to his waist in the water, bending his fine, muscular figure, was snorting with enjoyment, as he poured the water over his head with his blackened hands.

6. 精选的马匹—大个头克莱戴兹马,贝尔飞马,佩尔什马—迈着跳步,喷着响鼻
    Draft horses—huge Clydesdales, Belfians and Percherons—stromped and snorted.

7. 响鼻什么意思

7. 正如一些马向一匹死马飞快扑过去,拥挤在一起,打着响鼻一样,家里的人和外来的人都挤在客厅里,挤在棺材周围——县首长、村长、妇女们——都瞪着惊惶的眼睛,划着十字,鞠躬、吻老公爵冰凉而僵硬的手。
    Like horses crowding, snorting, and starting round a dead horse, numbers of familiar and unfamiliar figures crowded round the coffin—the marshal, and the village elder, and peasant women, and all with scared and fascinated eyes, crossed themselves, and bowed down and kissed the cold, stiff hand of the old prince.
