

哈巴狗[hǎ ba gǒu ]





哈巴狗 汉英大词典

哈巴狗[hǎ ba gǒu]


(狗的一个品种) Pekingese

哈巴狗 网络解释

1. pug:兽医指出,哈巴狗 (pug)、北京狗 (Pekingese)、西施犬(Shi-tzu)之类的狗,比较容易感染狗流感.

2. Pekingese:保罗的母鸡 Paul's hen | 哈巴狗 Pekingese | 蝴蝶 The butterfly

3. ha ba gou:天鹅tian e | 哈巴狗ha ba gou | 骆驼luo tuo

4. 哈巴狗的解释

4. peke:peke 北京狗 | peke 哈巴狗 | pekin 北京鸭

哈巴狗 双语例句

1. 这对有推进去的鼻子的狗,即北京哈叭狗,哈巴狗或是Shi-Tzu尤其危险。
    It is particularly dangerous to be the possessor of a pushed-in nose — that is, to be a Pekingese, a pug or a Shi-Tzu.

2. 哈巴狗是什么意思

2. 谁是赫鲁晓夫的哈巴狗!?
    Who is Khrushchev's lapdog!?

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 另一名网友称她在看到这些照片后自己也忍不住去买了一只哈巴狗
    Another viewer said that she had been moved to buy a pug of her own after seeing the photos.

4. 任何论及犬马与中国人之间的联系时立刻就想起高贵的战马和矮小的哈巴狗
    Any mention of horses and dogs in connection with China immediately brings to mind noble steeds and miniature pugs.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. 而不是像哈巴狗写的
    And not like a small Pekingese dog.

6. 我家中曾经养过一只哈巴狗,它极其可爱,我们不仅仅是主仆主仆关系,而且是朋友关系。
    My family have raised over a Pekinese dog, it is extremely cute, we are not just master and servant master and servant relationship, but also a friend of.

7. 哈巴狗的反义词

7. 这里有适合打猎的猎犬、看家护院的獒犬,还有为英女王宽阔房间增添贵气的哈巴狗和叭儿狗
    It has boasted hounds for hunting, mastiffs(6) to guard thegatesand spaniels(7) and lapdogs(8) to grace the spaciousapartmentsthat were once part of the dowry of the Queens ofEngland.

8. 哈巴狗的解释

8. 在垃圾桶后面他们像哈巴狗一样,但外表相当不错并且可爱
    There, he meets other orphaned children who grubbily root around for spare robot parts to bring back to their Fagin-like father figure, Hamegg.

9. 这里人们养的狗各种各样,大狼狗、小哈巴狗都有。
    These dogs are very fifferent, big wolf dog, small pug….etc.(I can recognize what breeds they are).

10. 它们通常是挫败克鲁拉计划,他们的土地,或outwitting中将哈巴狗,或者潜入Grutely ,或。。。
    They are usually foiling Cruella's schemes for their land, or outwitting Lt.

11. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

11. 他把自己变成了首相的哈巴狗
      He has made himself appear a poodle of the prime minister.

12. 魔法师:你是什么?是飞龙还是哈巴狗
      Sorcerer: what are you & a pterodactyl or a cocker spaniel?

13. 凡高留下了哈巴狗小狗的完美地点小睡的伸展出一春。
      Van Gogh left the perfect spot for a pug puppy to stretch out for a spring nap.

14. 你们孙家的人从上到下全像那只混帐王八蛋的哈巴狗
      Every last one of you Suns is just like that goddamned little turtle-egg of a Pekingese.

15. 哈巴狗的反义词

15. 我想买一条哈巴狗
      I`m going to get a bulldog.

16. 哈巴狗

16. 我想买一条哈巴狗
      I`m go to get a bulldog.

17. 看到了吧,我的哈巴狗同意我的看法
      See, my lap-dog agrees with me.

18. 哈巴狗的翻译

18. 这个小小的黑色的哈巴狗与它的翅膀,它的确看起来像蝙蝠。
      This little black pug with wings on it, and it really did look like a bat.

19. 哈巴狗的意思

19. 她的狗看起来肥,但是所有的哈巴狗看起来都那样。
      Her dog looks fat, but all pugs look like that.

20. 鸿渐为哈巴狗而发的感慨,一半是真的。
      Hung-chien's lament over the Pekingese was partly true.
