

咎由自取[jiù yóu zì qǔ]

词典bring trouble to oneself咎由自取。

词典have only oneself to blame(对不好的事情)负全部责任;自取其咎;咎由自取。

词典He is bringing the trouble on himself.咎由自取。


词典It is nobody's fault but his own.咎由自取。

咎由自取 汉英大词典

咎由自取[jiù yóu zì qǔ]

bring trouble to oneself; have only oneself to blame; He is bringing the trouble on himself.; It is nobody's fault but his own.; They will only have themselves to blame.

咎由自取 网络解释

1. 咎由自取的反义词

1. get what's coming to one:get up the courage 鼓起勇气 | get what's coming to one 咎由自取 | get wise to 了解;明白

2. have only oneself to blame:2. [得到] obtain | 咎由自取 : have only oneself to blame | 取信于人 : win the trust of others

3. All by myself:11 Loving you 爱你 | 12 All by myself 咎由自取 | 13 Tom between two lovers 矛盾的爱 电影<<两人之间>>主题曲

4. Reap what one has sown:To be as poor as job 家徒... | Reap what one has sown 咎由自取,玩火自焚,惹火烧身,作茧自缚,自作自受,自食其果,自掘坟墓,飞蛾扑火 | Be on tenterhooks 心烦意乱,七上八下,六神无主,手足无措,坐立不安 如坐针毡 局...
