



咋个 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 现在这个时候我只想哇哈哈哈哈的狂笑一通!莫得啥子,正二八经莫得啥子,就算我吃饱了莫得事情干,我看到别个那些幸福甜蜜的人们,羡慕的冒酸水水。又能怎样?有哪些人会每天来看我的blog,默默关注我的生活我的心情?究竟我还要咋个切拌命才摆脱得到那些噩梦一般的往事和记忆?我到底还要怎样才可以变得骄傲起来?地球超人,给我力量。
    I went to dilys's blog and i knew she had a nice birthday party with her partners. she said no matter how happy at the party or some monments, it was still a worst birthday. i can understand. i know everything and the feelings. i also had a worst birthay and a worst 20 years old. anyways, dilys is a very nice girl=very smart, very kind, very cute and so on. i think there will be many boys who like such a nice girl so dear dilys u will get your happiness.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 这猎人里的猫头鹰咋个这么弱,好歹也是和我最爱的海贼角色同名啊!
    Oh, if Uber is allowed, Deoxys-L is the best one for Shell Bell! Low-low HP but high-high Defence Power

3. 山寨老汉:咋个木有消息啦?在:雪上偶然留指爪,鸿飞哪复计东西。
    Lastly, I would like to thank everyone for coming here today and listening to what I have to say.

4. 啧啧,现在应该算过的是春天吧,咋个这个天气就这样的热呢,都跟那五黄六月差不多咯,照这样下去咋得了哦
    The goverment would be curse.

5. 比赛周日的早晨你咋个度过?
    How do you spend the morning on race Sunday?

6. 他说到。当然她的声音还可以,是这首歌不咋个
    He said. Of course her voice is not bad, but the song is too bad.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. 这叫我咋个去回话嘛?
    What am I to say to the landlord?
