呼哨[hū shào]
give a whistle
1. 但不要想这些吧,你也有你的音乐--当波状的云把将逝的一天映照,以胭红抹上残梗散碎的田野,这时啊,河柳下的一群小飞虫就同奏哀音,它们忽而飞高,忽而下落,随着微风的起灭;篱下的蟋蟀在歌唱,在园中红胸的知更鸟就群起呼哨;而群羊在山圈里高声默默咩叫;丛飞的燕子在天空呢喃不歇。
Ay, where are they? Think not of them, thou hast thy music too, While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day, And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue; Then in a waiful choir the small gnats mourn Among the river sallows, borne aloft Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies; And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn; Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft The red-breast whistles form a garden-croft; And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.
2. 但不要想这些吧,你也有你的音乐——当波状的云把将逝的一天映照,以胭红抹上残梗散碎的田野这时呵,河柳下的一群小飞虫就同奏哀音,它们忽而飞高,忽而下落,随着微风的起灭;篱下的蟋蟀在歌唱;在园中红胸的知更鸟就群起呼哨;而群羊在山圈里高声咩叫;丛飞的燕子在天空呢喃不歇。
Ay, where are they? Think not of them, thou hast thy music too, While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day, ⑼ And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue; Then in a waiful choir the small gnats mourn Among the river sallows, ⑽ borne aloft⑾ Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies; And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn; ⑿ Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble ⒀soft The red-breast whistles form a garden-croft; ⒁ And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.
3. 呼哨什么意思
3. 钟灵连声呼哨,闪电貂从这人身上跃到那一人身上,只一霎眼间,已将四条汉子一一咬过,每条汉子不是滚倒在地,便缩成了一团。
And this time Zhong Ling gave a series of whistles, at which her ermine jumped among the four enemies, and gave each a bite in a trice, leaving them all fall onto or curled on the ground.
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4. 顾刚呼哨一下,立刻便有无数只的鸽子飞向他来,有些甚至于停留在他的帽子、手臂、及肩膀上。
Gu Gang whistled and countless pigeons flew to him, some even perching upon his hat, arms, and shoulders.
5. 他打了一个呼哨。
He gave a whistle.
6. 这些只是词句,词句&在现实中对他毫无意义,还不如我打一个呼哨。
It was only just words, words, & they meant nothing in the world to him, I might just as well have whistled.
7. 可是我母亲还是继续数钱。这时,从小山上传来一声很轻的呼哨。“我先把数好的钱拿走,”她说,忽然跳起来。
But my mother went on counting until we heard a low shout coming from the hill outside.'I'll take what I have, 'she said, jumping to her feet.
8. 她打了个呼哨把狗唤回来。
She whistled to the dog to come back.
9. 伴着一声呼哨,伴着一声号召,伴着一个好意愿,或者干脆都没有。
Come with a whistle, Come with a call, Come with a good will, or not at all.
10. 这样浅显的道理根本就不用花哩呼哨的A就能知道。即使到底,也不一定就能张多少。
If benenke was right on the end of recession, then stocks can go a lot higher from here.
11. 正当她和我还在争论的时候,突然,远处的小山上传来了一声很低的呼哨。
And she was still arguing with me, when a little low whistle sounded a good way off upon the hill.
12. 伴着一声呼哨,伴着一声号召,伴着一个好意愿,或者干脆都没有。
Leaves your supper and leave your sleep, And come with your playfellows into the street.
13. 可是我母亲还是继续数钱。这时,从小山上传来一声很轻的呼哨。“我先把数好的钱拿走,”她说,忽然跳起来。
But my mother went on counting until we heard a low shout coming from the hill outside.'I'll take what I have,'she said, jumping to her feet.