

呻唤[shēn huàn]


呻唤 双语例句

1. 他呻唤着,他的声音虽然不像人声,但也不是鹿所能发出的。
    He Shen Huan, although his voice like the sound of people, but the deer can not be issued.

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2. 我不开,它就使劲撞,不停地呻唤
    I do not opened, it planted the collision and kept Shen Huan.

3. 呻唤是什么意思

3. 他不停地呻唤,好长时间不停气地翻身,翻到东来翻到西。
    He groaned and moaned and thrashed around this way and that for a long time.

4. 呻唤

4. 如果你们那么大声地呻唤,就会妨碍政府的炮声。
    If you groan such groans you might balk the government cannon.

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5. 他呻唤起来。
    He sings out.

6. '老天爷!'他呻唤着说,'你能不能在上面抹点什么,或者正一正骨,或者想点什么别的办法?
    Says he, with a groan, 'Can't you rub something on it, or set it or anything?

7. 呻唤的解释

7. 患病的小家伙的呻唤平息了,痉挛般的扭动也逐渐停止了,过了一会儿,她就象病儿解除痛苦之后惯见的那样,香甜地进入了梦乡。
    The physician, as he had a fair right to be termed, next bestowed his attention on the mother.

8. 齐灵渥斯。看守把他领进牢房之后,刚逗留了片刻,室内居然随那人的到来而安静下来,使看守颇为诧异;此时婴儿虽然依旧呻唤不止,海丝特。白兰却立刻象死去一般地僵呆了。
    The jailer, after ushering him into the room, remained a moment, marvelling at the comparative quiet that followed his entrance; for Hester Prynne had immediately become as still as death, although the child continued to moan.

9. 患病的小家伙的呻唤平息了,痉挛般的扭动也逐渐停止了,过了一会儿,她就象病儿解除痛苦之后惯见的那样,香甜地进入了梦乡。
    The moans of the little patient subsided; its convulsive tossings gradually ceased; and, in a few moments, as is the custom of young children after relief from pain, it sank into a profound and dewy slumber.

10. 天啊,他呻唤一下。
    " Oh, God, " he groaned.

11. 天啊,他呻唤一下。
      " Oh, God," he groaned.
