1. 周严
1. 在如此紧密周严的合作基础上,我们对两岸将来时机成熟,水到渠成的未来,实在是不应该再抱有什么怀疑的。
We should not doubt the possibility of unification of both sides when conditions are ripe.
2. 上海天相投资顾问的策略分析师周严说,中国和英国。
Shanghai TX Investment Consulting analyst at Strategy Chou Yan said that China and Britain.
3. 对整个抢劫案事先分析清楚,计划周严,这就是智慧。
He can analyze the situations in advance and makes out a considerate plan, which is the wisdom.
4. 以往学童肥胖之研究多著重单一层次因素之探讨,对於学童肥胖之了解及预防上不够周严。
However, research on children obesity mostly studied one or few factors which limited it application on prevention.
5. 周严什么意思
5. 并於第六章结论与建议归纳出市场情报服务顾问业在面对未来发展上应具备之重点:专业研究团队、政府智库及公共关系、创新能力、品牌认同度、周严的IT规划管理、重视服务品质、敏锐迅速的产业洞查力、对智慧财产的尊重。
In conclusions, this research generalizes eight points in the future operation which the Market Information Advisory Industry should do.(1) professional research team (2) government`s intelligence bank and public relationship (3) creativity (4) brand commitment (5) completed IT environment (6) attention to service quality (7) sharp insight to the industry (8) respect on intellectual property.