

The Yu;
吹竽 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 有一个南郭先生,本来不会吹竽,也混在中间凑数。
    He would order 300 musicians at a time to play the yu for him.

2. 吹竽的解释

2. 南郭先生请求为他吹竽,宣王很高兴。当时,官府供养的乐手有好几百人。
    At that time, thegovernment authorities provided for the happy hand had the quiteseveral hundred people.

3. 吹竽的翻译

3. 老师们则惴惴不安,不知道在灵山龙华会上,如何扮演点传师的角色。要滥竽充数,假装自己也会吹竽
    The teachers are nervous too, unsure how they are to play the role of an enlightener under the new system.

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4. 湣王不喜欢听很多人同时吹竽,而要听一个人一个人地吹。
    When King Xuan died, his son King Min succeeded to the throne.

5. 於是,他就命令吹竽手一个个轮流吹给他听,这下还了得,南郭先生本来就不会吹竽,如果要他在君王面前独奏,肯定要露出马脚,所以在轮到他之前,就逃之夭夭了。
    So one day, he called each player in separately, and asked him to play a song. Mr. Nan-guo was as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof, sure that if he were discovered, he would be found guilty of tricking the king. And so as quickly as possible, Mr. Nan-guo sneaked quietly away.

6. 吹竽的反义词

6. 因为他给予乐师非常优厚的待遇,所以一个叫南郭的人尽管并不擅长吹竽,也设法混进乐队。
    The king treated his musicians very well. A man named Nanguo heard about that and he managed to become a member of the band, even though he was not good at playing the instrument at all.

7. 尽管他不擅长吹竽,还是设法混进了乐队。
    He managed to join the band, though he was not good at it.

8. 吹竽的近义词

8. 乐队吹奏时,他只是站在队伍里,假装吹竽,可实际上,却没吹出一点声来。
    While the band was playing, he just stood in the line and pretended to be performing, but actually made no sound.
