

听便[tīng biàn]

词典as one pleases随意;自便;听便。

词典please yourself请便;听便;[用于表示漠然,尤指当某人不按预计情况合作或行动时]随你便吧。

听便 汉英大词典

听便[tīng biàn]

as one pleases; please yourself:


    You may go or stay as you please.

听便 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 我一听便握住了她的手。
    I have a hold of her hand.

2. 她骂他是个骗子,他一听便立即冲出房间。
    She called him a liar, and at that he stormed out of the room.

3. 他对我的道歉连听也不听便下逐客令。
    He wouldn't listen to my apology and showed me the door.

4. 听便

4. 他们各行各业有各自的呼唤声调,使人一听便知道是什么行业的人来了。
    It reflects the culture, life-style and philosophy of Shanghai people.

5. 听便的反义词

5. 他们各行业有各自的呼唤声调,使人一听便知道是什么行业的人来了。
    They had to be able to pay the monthly rent and tax for the house, in this case called the police tax.

6. 在睡眠的不朽可能离开自己的窝去哪里听便
    In sleep the immortal may leave one's nest and go wherever one pleases.

7. 不一会儿,几个狱卒来了,接着又听到种均匀的脚步声,一听便知是来了士兵,他们即使不在值班的时候也是习惯地这样走路的。
    Other turnkeys came, and then was heard the regular tramp of soldiers.

8. 听便什么意思

8. 因为人们不求可靠的办法,遂误以为没有办法,亦遂听便其没有办法;但求苟安,苟安于现局里面,或更于现局里面苟得利益,苟得进展,苟可以与人比赛,便足以苟自娱或且自豪,这是何等堪悲悯的现象。
    People are acceptance with no method on misunderstanding there is no method for they does not manage to find reliable method.

9. 希金斯就不然。从他的言语中一听便知他是一个直言不讳的博学之人。
    Christopher Hitchens, a polemicist whose tone is that of an erudite straight-talker, does not.

10. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

10. 去留听便
    You may go or stay as you please.

11. 他一听便跳起来,这时她还以为他已顾不得什么体面,要去欢蹦乱跳一番。
      He leaped up and for a moment she thought he was going to cut a caper, before dignity claimed him.

12. 葛擂硬的女儿―喜欢的话,那么她跟他们来往也就听便吧。
      Bounderby's gusty way to boast to all his world that he didn't care about your

13. 听便是什么意思

13. 他一听便眉飞色舞起来,指出她在撒谎。
      His eyes danced as they gave her the lie.
