


词典History of the Later Han Dynasty后汉书。

后汉书 网络解释

1. The Later Chronicles of the Han Dynasty:The history of the Song Dynasty 宋史 | The Later Chronicles of the Han Dynasty 后汉书 | The Song's and Daughter's Hero Biography 儿女英雄传

2. 后汉书的近义词

2. La Histro de Esta Han Dinastio:<<汉书>> La Histro de Han Dinastio | <<后汉书>>La Histro de Esta Han Dinastio | <<三国志>>La Histro de Tri Kinglandos

后汉书 双语例句

1. 后汉书在线翻译

1. 后汉书》是中国历史上一部伟大的历史和文学著作,本文主要从文学角度,对《后汉书》的文学价值作以探讨。
    The Book of Dong-Han was a great work of the history and literature.

2. 在中国古代的史书中,《后汉书》的史论最具特色。
    The comment in History of the Later Han Dynasty is the most characteristic part in the historical records of ancient Chinese.

3. 这个成语来源于《后汉书
    This phrase comes from the Book of the Later Han.

4. 后汉书的意思

4. 后汉书》中记载了这样一个故事:东汉时有个叫陈蕃的人,他虽然宣称自己满怀修德立身壮志,却不愿点滴躬行,自已住处的环境卫生从不愿打扫。
    After the Han Dynasty in the records of such a story: the Eastern Han Dynasty, when people called, though he claimed that he Xiude conduct with aspirations, but do not want little practice, the environmental health from their own home do not want to clean.

5. 豺狼当道,安问狐狸。(《后汉书》)
    When the wolf is rampant, why pick on the fox?

6. 这一关系,在《后汉书》的著者范晔那儿也能得到证实。
    The relationship is also put to the proof by Fan Ye, the writer of The History of the Late Han Dynasty.

7. 从《后汉书》的文学成就看范晔的思想及撰文取向
    Talking about Fan ye's orientation of thinking and writing from literary achievements of The book of later Han Dynasty

8. 第四部分主要讲的是元大德本《后汉书》的价值,其中包括其版本、文献学、收藏以及校勘学价值。
    Value of " Historical Records of the Eastern Han dynasty " carved in the Dade age of Yuan Dynasty is discussed in the fourth part, including value of its edition, study of documents, the collection and Emendation Study.

9. 第三部分对元大德本《后汉书》的情况做了详细的介绍,包括其刊刻背景,板式,刊刻人,以及其现存情况。
    Situation of " Historical Records of the Eastern Han dynasty " carved in the Dade age of Yuan Dynasty is introduced at length in the third part including its carved background, its format, the carved person, as well as its extant situation.

10. 通过《后汉书》的著录体例,通过对作品及作家的品评体现出范晔的一些重要的文学观念和思想。
    Through the " The history of Donghan " style of recording, and appreciating works and works by writers, some important literary concepts and ideas were reflected.

11. 后汉书的意思

11. 关于《后汉书》及后汉历史的评述
      Review of " Book of Later Han Dynasty " and History of Later Han Dynasty

12. 本文从核心词的角度讨论了《后汉书》中的“我”的早期形式,比较了表示“我”义的这组词的异同,并简单勾勒了其发展演变。
      This paper explores the early form of " I " as a core word in " The Post-Han Dynasty Book " and its semantic variations and evolution.

13. 本文认为《后汉书》取代《东观汉记》列入“三史”的根本原因还是在于二书自身的质量高下。
      This article holds that the basic reason of Hou-Han Shulisted in Sanshi instead of DongGuanHanJi was the quality ofthe two pieces of works themselves.

14. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

14. 《后汉书·西羌传》作为中国正史关于异族书写的典型文本,其被解读的过程经历了两个主要阶段。
      As the typical text that wrote about " different group " in the Chinese National history, Xi Qiang Zhuan has gone through two main stages when it was interpreted.

15. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

15. 后刘昭所注版本被唐章怀太子李贤所注《后汉书》取代,只有所注八志因李贤未注而得以保存。
      After Liu Zhao note version was Prince Tang Zhang Huai Li Xian notes Hou Han Shu replace, only eight records because Li Xian did not note preserved.

16. 后汉书

16. 而种种迹象表明,这篇佚文正是《后汉书》李贤注所提到的《累德篇》。
      Every appearance demonstrates that it is just Lei De Pian mentioned by Li Xian in his Notes to History of the Late Han-Dynasty (Hou Han Shu).

17. 第三部分对元大德本《后汉书》的情况做了详细的介绍,包括其刊刻背景,板式,刊刻人,以及其现存情况。
      Situation of " Historical Records of the Eastern Han dynasty " carved in the Dade age of Yuan Dynasty is introduced at length in the third part including its carved background, its format, the carved person, as well as its extant situation.

18. 后汉书的近义词

18. 第四部分主要讲的是元大德本《后汉书》的价值,其中包括其版本、文献学、收藏以及校勘学价值。
      Value of " Historical Records of the Eastern Han dynasty " carved in the Dade age of Yuan Dynasty is discussed in the fourth part, including value of its edition, study of documents, the collection and Emendation Study.

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19. 通过《后汉书》的著录体例,通过对作品及作家的品评体现出范晔的一些重要的文学观念和思想。
      Through the " The history of Donghan " style of recording, and appreciating works and works by writers, some important literary concepts and ideas were reflected.

20. 关于《后汉书》及后汉历史的评述
      Review of " Book of Later Han Dynasty " and History of Later Han Dynasty
