



词典name for the respected people名讳。

名讳 双语例句

1. 她是真实存在的,她的名讳和形象绝不是凭空捏造出来的。
    She's real and she didn't get her name or looks for nothing.

2. 名讳

2. 因为在美国,为学校命名的过程中经常涉及到的是社区名称、父母名讳以及经选举产生的学校领导的名字。
    In the United States, the process of naming a school often involves parents and the community as well as elected school leaders.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 最后我呼唤他们的名讳,但他们仍没有出现。
    I did not find them, and at last I called them by their names, and they did not come.

4. 你直呼你母亲的名讳
    You call your mother by her first name?

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5. 又一个?天啊,伙计,这是到目前为止第十一个不可直呼名讳者。
    Another one? Good gods, man, that's eleven so far who Must Not Be Named.

6. 满天的星辰拼出了你的名讳
    And the stars spell out your name.

7. 名讳

7. 我把你的名讳写进蓝天风儿却把它吹散我把你的名讳写在沙滩海浪却把它打乱我把你的名讳写在心间让它留下,直到永远
    You hold a heart in your hands that has never before been given away.

8. 名讳的解释

8. 周宗进入内枢担任了同平章事,升官当了侍中,当时管枢密叫内枢,是为了避讳吴武王的名讳,烈祖经常召见周宗、宋齐丘和马仁裕,在崇英院宴会,叙旧谈话为乐,其他的将相不能参加,然而烈祖对待周宗特别亲厚,不给他太多的工作,周宗也能坦然自处,远离权力斗争,生活节俭,俸禄和赏赐都堆积着不使用。
    Into the inner hub to make the same Pingzhang Shi, move sijung, time to within a hub for the senator who tried hard to avoid Wu Wu Wang Taboo also, Liezu often called cases, and Song Qi Qiu, Maren Yu, dinner at the British Institute Chong, Huan Yan Road, old as the music, he will advance with Mo, in particular, were natural to be kind and affectionate, not quite to the positions ●, were also Dan Ran, fear much power, home thrifty, permanent gift were not positive.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. 文章以严谨、科学的态度,对《沈府君阙》阙主的官职名讳、碑亭记以及书法艺术等进行了充分的考证与研
    This paper, in a serious and scientific manner, researches into the Shens grave steles, their official position and reputations by inscriptions on the tablets and their art of calligraphy.
