



词典hubbut of gambling吆五喝六。


吆五喝六 双语例句

1. "别对我这么吆五喝六的,约翰?
    Don't order me about like that, John Durbeyfield.

2. 吆五喝六的翻译

2. 湘玉:我们平日尊重你,不是因为你这身衣服,也不是因为整天吆五喝六的。
    Xiang Yu: We usually respect you, this is not because you are clothes, nor is it because the whole day Yaowuheliu.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 遇到险路,他就吆五喝六地让轿夫不要颠簸摇晃。
    Next morning, the mother said to him, You`d better go home first.

4. 吆五喝六的近义词

4. 传统的家具企业的管理者大多用高压的方式领导和管理员工,认为,当老板就要对员工吆五喝六,指挥周围的人,否则做老板就失去了乐趣。
    The traditional furniture company Manager/B oss, often press the staff and force them to do and do not, they think, the boss should direct the work of staffs, that is why the meaning of a boss.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. run:操作,运转;管理 stand for:坚持如果Cornflower Mary能来这里对我们吆五喝六,那我们这些年来所坚持的一切都会化为乌有。
    If Cornflower Mary can come in here and tell us how to run things, then everything we've stood for, for all these years, is nothing.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 站长沉重的脚步声在走廊里一路响过来,他挨个房间打开门,吆五喝六让大家起床。
    The Tramp Major came marching down the passage with his heavy tread, unlocking the doors and yelling to us to show a leg.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. 走亲访友、远涉他乡、购物游乐、放纵狂欢、一个人找个地方看书、和亲密朋友去看电影、吆五喝六去滑雪泡吧,还是干脆呆在家里磨电视?
    Visiting relatives and friends, traveling, shopping, revelry, reading alone, going to cinema, skiing, or just staying at home watching TV?

8. 吆五喝六是什么意思

8. 因为读书是有钱人做的事,偏偏老师不解风情,弄一帮穷鬼在那儿吆五喝六
    Because reading is a rich man to do, however, the teacher didn't care local manners and feelings, even made groups of poor devils to shout there and here.
