

各抒己见[gè shū jǐ jiàn]

词典Each airs his own views.各抒己见。

词典Each one expresses his own view.各抒己见。


词典Each says [has] his say.

词典Everybody gave his comments on ...各抒己见。

各抒己见 汉英大词典

各抒己见[gè shū jǐ jiàn]

Each airs his own views.; Each one expresses his own view.; Each says [has] his say.; Everybody gave his comments on ...; Everyone sets forth his own view.; They expressed their views fully.

各抒己见 网络解释

1. trnm:pajj 寥若晨星 | trnm 各抒己见 | uauy 半工半读

2. 各抒己见

2. Everyone expresses his own opinions:取长补短 Learn from other's strong point to make up for one's weak point. | 各抒己见 Everyone expresses his own opinions. | 一事无成 Nothing can be/has been achieved.

3. opinion:invitation盛情邀请 | opinion各抒己见 | request求人相助

4. express one's own opinions on a subject of interest:格格不入 contrary / be out of tune with | 各抒己见 express one's own opinions on a subject of interest | 孤注一掷 risk everything on a single venture
