



号旗 网络解释

1. signal flag, code flag:号笛信号灯||signalling light for air horn | 号旗||signal flag, code flag | 号型||shape

号旗 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 将舰旗、信号旗悬挂在船上
    Dress ship To display the ensign, signal flags, and bunting on a ship.

2. 海军工将升起信号旗,命令所有船只与敌人接火。
    The admiral ran up a signal ordering all ships to close with the enemy.

3. 他在这场战役中的战斗记录就算不是完美,也必定是考证这段战史的重要材料,尤其是在旗舰定远的飞桥震垮、信号旗打飞之后。
    Further, he was the only fully trained officer with any real naval experience. His account, while not perfect, must stand as an important source material.

4. 可怕的交通以及少得可怜的计程车(靠信号旗停车以及要商议价钱的出租车)使得地铁成为人们的唯一选择。
    Horrendous traffic and the absence of metered taxis (taxis are taken by flagging down any passing car and negotiating a fare) make the metro the only real transportation option for tourists.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 可怕的交通以及少得可怜的计程车(靠信号旗停车以及要商议价钱的出租车)使得地铁成为人们的唯一选择。
    Horrendous traffic and the absence of metered taxis (taxis are taken by flagging down any passing car and negotiating a fare) make the metro theonly real transportation option for tourists.

6. 燕尾旗船上做号旗或''。'标志'。''的小旗
    A small distinguishing flag displayed by a yacht.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 下一步是在接下来的几周开始拆除两个信号旗
    The next step is the demolition of the two

8. 这些早期的管制员在机场通过摇动信号旗的方式与飞行员联系。
    The early controllers stood on the field, waving flags to communicate with pilots.

9. 信号旗指在危险的位置上。
    The signal is at danger.

10. 看到地平线上出现一只船,我们连忙升起遇险信号旗
    Seeing a ship on the horizon, we ran up a flag of distress.

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. 信号旗指在危险的位置上。
      Confronted danger at every turn.

12. 那人在铁路交叉处挥动一面信号旗
      The man was waving a flag at the railway crossing.

13. 号旗的翻译

13. 便雅悯人哪,你们要逃出耶路撒冷,在提哥亚吹角,在伯哈基琳立号旗
      Flee from Jerusalem! Sound the trumpet in Tekoa! Raise the signal over Beth Hakkerem!

14. 旧约 --耶利米书--第 6 章 6:1 便雅悯人哪,你们要逃出耶路撒冷,在提哥亚吹角,在伯哈基琳立号旗。因为有灾祸与大毁灭从北方张望。
      O ye children of Benjamin, gather yourselves to flee out of the midst of Jerusalem, and blow the trumpet in Tekoa, and set up a sign of fire in Bethhaccerem: for evil appeareth out of the north, and great destruction.

15. 6:1 便雅悯人哪,你们要逃出耶路撒冷,在提哥亚吹角,在伯哈基琳立号旗。因为有灾祸与大毁灭从北方张望。
      O ye children of Benjamin, gather yourselves to flee out of the midst of Jerusalem, and blow the trumpet in Tekoa, and set up a sign of fire in Bethhaccerem: for evil aeareth out of the north, and great destruction.

16. 号旗的翻译

16. 6:1 便雅悯人哪、你们要逃出耶路撒冷、在提哥亚吹角、在伯哈基琳立号旗
      1 Flee for safety, people of Benjamin! Flee from Jerusalem! Sound the trumpet in Tekoa! Raise the signal over Beth Hakkerem!

17. 号旗什么意思

17. 在桅顶飘扬的信号旗(军事)日落时发出降旗信号的号声。
      Pennants flying from the masthead. (military) a bugle call signaling the lowering of the flag at sunset.

18. 有好些个船都挂了准备出发的信号旗,只等着上午潮涨时出海,因为在这个巨大而设备完善的纽约港口,每天总有百十条船开往世界各地,但是它们大部分都是帆船,不合乎斐利亚·福克目前的需要。看来这位绅士的最后打算似乎要失败了。
      He seemed about to give up all hope, when he espied, anchored at the Battery, a cable's length off at most, a trading vessel, with a screw, well-shaped, whose funnel, puffing a cloud of smoke, indicated that she was getting ready for departure.

19. 仰光号泊在离码头半海里的海湾里,大桅顶上已经升起了开船的信号旗
      The'rangoon'was moored half a mile off in the harbour, its signal of departure hoisted at the mast-head.

20. 尽管比赛前3个小时空旷的新场地,在比赛区的尽头是耸动的喷气机队的绿色,以及层与层之间的信号旗
      Even in the emptiness of the new bowl three hours before game time, the end zones were a lush Jets green and so were the message strips between levels.
