

号哭[háo kū]


词典cry loudly号啕痛哭;号啕;嚎啕;啕。

号哭 汉英大词典

号哭[háo kū]


wail; cry loudly

号哭 网络解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. haoku.net:haoku.net 号哭 | dadang.net 搭挡 | juaner.net 卷儿

号哭 双语例句

1. 号哭在线翻译

1. 没人可以解开在那所老房子的窗户里号哭的女人的谜。
    No one can explain the mystery of the crying woman in the window of the old house.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 这里有一个号哭的孩子,那边有一个叫喊的女人。
    Here was a crying child, and there a noisy wife.

3. 号哭的反义词

3. 一个妇女在一座墓前号哭
    A woman was weeping and wailing at a grave.

4. 一场号哭通常会使她好过些。
    A good bawl usually makes her feel better.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. 可是,那个女人除了对她丈夫表示体贴外,既没有号哭,也没有任何其他的感情流露。
    But this woman had neither cried, complained nor shown any other feeling than sympathy for her husband.

6. 号哭

6. 迷失 落寞和孤独整夜飘于湖上烟雾弥漫处,小船的汽笛无休止号哭,象走失的孩童哭泣加烦恼将港口的胸脯和眼睛追逐。
    LOST DESOLATE and lone All night long on the lake Where fog trails and mist creeps, The whistle of a boat Calls and cries unendingly, Like some lost child In tears and trouble Hunting the harbor's breast And the harbor's eyes.

7. 号哭

7. 今天起,号哭不是软弱,抚胸难掩悲怆。
    Starts from today, crying is not for the weaks, and we won't hide our feelings.

8. 这么多人压迫我们,我们有冤无处诉,只好仰天号哭
    With so many over us, to whom can we appeal? You can just look to Heaven and cry, that's all.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. 他们在窗台上绝望地唱歌,翻过地铁窗口,跳进肮脏的巴塞克河,扑向黑人,沿街号哭
    Sinis- ter intelligent editors, or were run down by the drunken taxicabs of Absolute Reality

10. 号哭的近义词

10. 哀歌 嚎啕大哭的粗鲁的风,悲痛得失去了声音;横扫阴云的狂野的风,彻夜将丧钟打个不停;暴风雨空把泪水流,树林里枯枝摇个不休,洞深,海冷,处愁——号哭吧,来为天下鸣不平!
    Shelly: A Dirge Rough wind, that moanest loud Grief too sad for song; Wild wind, when sullen cloud Knells all the night long; Sad storm, whose tears are vain, Rare woods, whose branches strain, Deep caves and dreary main, Wail, for the world's wrong!

11. 据传战俘被擒之后,推入此楼中,不供水米,几日之后便饥渴而死,故凡囚于此中战俘都绝望至极,号哭不止,其悲惨之景,可想而知。
      Prisoners of war captured after allegedly, into this building, not the water meters, a few days died of hunger and thirst after, the prisoners here who are desperate to the extreme of prisoners of war, more than howler, King of the tragic, we can imagine.

12. 911查询·英语单词

12. 后来想要承受父所祝的福,竟被弃绝,虽然号哭切求,却得不着门路,使他父亲的心意回转,这是你们知道的。
      For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears.

13. 号哭的近义词

13. 她们跪在被害亲人的身边号哭着:“你不是坏人,又没有干坏事,为什么要杀害你呀?”
      Kneeling beside their relatives, they would cry out: " You are not a ruffian; you did nothing; why were you killed? "

14. 号哭,大哭大声地哭泣或哭诉;
      To cry or sob loudly; wail.

15. 号哭的翻译

15. 她已经停止号哭,只是抽抽搭搭地呜咽着,用头巾梢儿擦着她那红块斑斑的脸。
      She had ceased crying and only sobbed, wiping her red, discoloured face with the end of the kerchief on her head.

16. 我可以谈俄罗斯移民,约翰·济慈的诗歌,关税,卡比利亚文学,或者排涝,并且能够轮番使我的听众啜泣,号哭,呜咽,流泪。
      I can take up the matter of Russian immigration, or the poetry of John W. Keats, or the tariff, or Kabyle literature, or drainage, and make my audience weep, cry, sob and shed tears by turns.

17. 同胞们,在你们举国欢腾的作乐声中,我听到千万人的悲恸号哭
      Fellow citizens, above your national, tumultuous joy, I hear the mournful wail of millions!

18. 但他们不久就能听清楚号哭的词儿了。
      But they could soon hear the words.

19. 不要只坐在那里像个小宝宝一样号哭
      Don't just sit there boohooing like a baby.

20. 号哭的解释

20. 一种正人君子的良心使得他几乎又要哭起来,但是他再也不能哭了,他的各种思绪刚才还很有力地使劲号哭,现在竟没有任何忧愁能够在思绪上束缚他了。
      But he could not manage it now, for no trace remained of the sadness which had yoked him to thoughts which, only moments before, had made him sob so uncontrollably.
