

号丧[háo sang]



号丧[háo sàng]


词典cry at funeral号丧;嚎丧。


号丧 汉英大词典

号丧[háo sàng]

cry at funeral; yell (as if at funeral)

号丧[háo sang]

[方] cry; weep (used as an abuse term)

号丧 双语例句

1. 号丧什么意思

1. 干嘛要在这些大家都倒下的地方号丧呢?!
    Does must place number mourning which all drops down in these everybody?

2. 号丧的解释

2. 郭:他是描绘了北宋,清明的时候这些人,寡妇们哪,上坟哭,号丧的这种幸福场景。
    He successily described those people like widows who paid respects at their husband's tomb and cried at Qingming.

3. 你拒绝满足她生前最后的一个愿望,却又跟我怄气,因为我不肯像拉鲁哀特殡仪馆花钱雇来的送葬人那样号丧
    You crossed her last wish in death and yet you sulk with me because I don't whinge like some hired mute from Lalouette's.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. 在这一时刻,罪案就也判定了,悲凉的铁钟被敲响,嚎啕大哭发自雇来的号丧者,他们排列在斗兽场的外缘。广大观众们则垂头丧气地慢慢走回家去,悲叹着一个如此年轻而公正的人,或者一个如此老迈而可敬的人,罹获了如此惨痛的命运。青鸟兄译得好!这样锡兵,青鸟共译了5分之一。第二个五分之一在下面,还有那位大侠贡献英语知识和一小时的宝贵时光?
    The moment that the case of the criminal was thus decided, doleful iron bells were clanged, great wails went up from the hired mourners posted on the outer rim of *the arena, and the vast audience, with bowed heads and downcast hearts, wended slowly their homeward way, mourning greatly that one so young and fair, or so old and respected, should have merited so dire a fate.

5. 你拒绝满足她生前最后的一个愿望,却又跟我怄气,因为我不肯像拉鲁哀特殡仪馆花钱雇来的送葬人那样号丧
