

右首[yòu shǒu]

词典the right-hand side外手;右首。


词典the right

右首 汉英大词典

右首[yòu shǒu]


the right-hand side; the right:


    She was seated on my right that day.

右首 双语例句

1. 勤勉是幸运的右首,节约是幸运的左手。
    Industry is fortune`s right hand, and frugality her left.

2. 我右首的座位无人坐。
    The seat on my right side is empty.

3. 右首的近义词

3. 他的右首
    Who should sit on his right?

4. 他右首坐着一位老大娘。
    An old woman was seated on his right.

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5. 士兵们从右首开始报数。
    The soldiers numbered off from the right.

6. 他仿佛看见有一个浑身雪白毛茸茸的人形在他面前一闪,就跑进右首作为卧室的那一间里去了;那人形走过时飘荡出刺脑的浓香和格格的艳笑。
    Suddenly, he seemed to see the blurred outline of a white figure flash past him and disappear into the bedroom, leaving behind a trail of heady perfume and the echo of a woman's silvery laughter

7. 右首的近义词

7. 我那病房很长,右首是一排窗,尽头处有一道门通包扎室。
    The room was long with windows on the right-hand side and a door at the far end that went into the dressing room.

8. 右首的解释

8. 如果你有时间,右首边的北京太庙和左首边的中山公园会尤其使你感兴趣的。
    If you have time, the Imperial Ancestral Temple (which is to the right), and sun Yat-Sen Park (on the left), might be particularly interested with you.

9. 9楼 右首一人身形微胖,颏下一部黑须、姓黄名宗羲,字梨洲,浙江余姚人氏。
    The one he addressed as'Zongxi'was a somewhat portly man with a plentiful beard covering me lower half of his face.

10. 右首的翻译

10. 那天她坐在我右首
    She was seated on my right that day.

11. 右首的意思

11. 谢谢你,黑骏马!约翰对我说,轻轻地牵着我顺着河边右首的路走。
      'Thank you, Beauty!'John said to me, and turned me gently round to the right-hand road by the riverside.

12. 右首的解释

12. 四季适用的高尚礼品,当数金银首饰。副排长叫士兵们从右首开始报数。
      Excellent gifts for all seasons are personal ornaments made of gold or silver. The platoon sergeant numbered his men off from the right.

13. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

13. 太阳不过刚刚升起,他望见右首山下远方有许多森林,太阳就是从森林那儿冒出来的。
      The sun had only just risen, and it had risen out of the forests which he saw low down and far away on his right.

14. 进入北京中国国际展览中心,东、西两大展区分别位于观众的右首和左首。
      Enter Beijing China International Exhibition Centre, , xiluo two major area are located at the viewer's right and left.
