



词典kowtow and bow叩见;磕头作揖。

叩见 双语例句

1. 在他为叩见国王原想表达的千言万语中,现在就连一句话也想不到了。
    Not one of the innumerable speeches he had addressed to the Tsar in his imagination recurred to his mind now.

2. 叩见的解释

2. 趁他独自一人心灰意冷之时,我前去叩见他陛下,竟然感到高兴似的。
    It's as though I were glad to take advantage of his being alone and despondent.

3. 叩见的近义词

3. 商人把这个消息奉告前任大臣,並一起去叩见国王。
    The merchant reported back to the old price maker, and they went together to see the king.

4. 这才做好了最坏的准备,谨慎地走进家门,叩见家中挑剔的女主人。
    Then, prepared for the worst ---- the meeting with an over-scruplous housewife, they entered cautiously at the back door.

5. 他知道,他能够,甚至应当径直地去叩见国王,把多尔戈鲁科夫命令他传达的事情禀告国王。
    He knew that he might, that he ought, indeed, to go straight to him and to give him the message he had been commanded to give by Dolgorukov.

6. 一名侍从武官跟在热尔科夫身后持有同样的命令前来叩见骠骑兵上校。
    Zherkov was followed by an officer of the suite, who rode up to the colonel with the same command.

7. 叩见的近义词

7. 可是他像个谈情说爱的青年,当那朝思暮想的时刻已经来临他得以单独和她约会时,他浑身颤抖,呆若木鸡,竟不敢说出夜夜梦想的心事,他惊惶失措地向四下张望,寻找援助,或者觅求拖延时日和逃走的机会,而今罗斯托夫已经达到了他在人世间渴望达到的目标,他不知道怎样前去叩见国王,他脑海中浮现出千万种心绪,他觉得这样觐见不很适宜,有失礼仪,令人受不了。
    But, as a youth in love trembles and turns faint and dares not utter what he has spent nights in dreaming of, and looks about in terror, seeking aid or a chance of delay or flight, when the moment he has longed for comes and he stands alone at her side, so Rostov, now when he was attaining what he had longed for beyond everything in the world, did not know how to approach the Emperor, and thousands of reasons why it was unsuitable, unseemly, and impossible came into his mind.

8. 在南京曾叩见过陈寅恪先生,到中央研究院拜见过傅斯年先生。1946年深秋,从上海乘船到秦皇岛,转乘火车,来到了暌别十一年的北平。
    I called on Mr. Chen Yike in Nanjing, coming to Academia Sinica to visit Mr. Fu Sinian. In fall of 1946, I came to Qingdao from shanghai by water, then transferred train to Beiping I left for 11 years. The late autumn was quiet and cold. The street was covered with fallen leaves.
