

口沫[kǒu mò]


词典mouth foam口沫。

口沫 汉英大词典

口沫[kǒu mò]


mouth foam

口沫 双语例句

1. 现在横飞的口沫,将成为明天的眼泪。
    Now drips the saliva, will become tomorrow the tear.

2. 所有的邻居都口沫横飞地讲述著那个新生的婴儿。
    All the neighbors enthused over the new baby.

3. 就在你口沫横飞我快无聊死的时候
    Somewhere between your ovaries and my boredom.

4. 一个喷嚏可以从你的嘴巴喷出口沫飞扬达15英尺。
    A sneeze sends saliva flying as far as 15 feet from your mouth.

5. 两家报纸还经常争论谁拥有更大发行量,吵的口沫横飞。
    And the two titles like to bicker over which has the bigger circulation.

6. 口沫在线翻译

6. 两家报纸还经常争论谁拥有更大发行量,吵的口沫横飞。
    Post. And the two titles like to bicker over which has the bigger circulation.

7. 在有关SARS的知识方面,有77.1%的样本同意SARS传染途径主要为口沫传染与接触传染,而有98.6%的样本知道居家隔离期间不能外出。
    About 77.1% of subjects agreed that SARS was transmitted by person to person droplet nuclei and 98.6% respondents knew people who were quarantined in home could not leave their houses. Over 91% of the subjects agreed that adopting precautionary measures could reduce the possibility of contracting SARS.

8. 在那种非凡而又平凡的胜利面前,在那种没有胜利者的胜利面前,那个悲愤绝望的人攘臂挺身而起,他感到那种胜利的重大,却又了解它的空虚,因此他认为唾以口沫还不足,在数字、力量、物质各方面他既然都被压倒了,于是就找出一个字,秽物。
    In face of this mean and mighty victory, in face of this victory which counts none victorious, this desperate soldier stands erect.

9. 口沫的翻译

9. 动物病毒由接触传播,或由感染口沫,或由昆虫媒介传播,另一些由体液传播。
    Animal viruses are spread by contact, droplet infection or by insect vectors and some are spread by the exchange of body fluids.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

10. 另外,她说话时有个毛病,就是口沫乱飞,以至于当她说“僻静”时,在她跟前,就像站在季风的中心。
    Furthermore, she possesses a speech impediment so audibly juicy that to be near her when she pronounces a word like " sequestered " is equivalent to standing at the center of a monsoon.

11. 口沫什么意思

11. 另外,她说话时有个毛病,就是口沫乱飞,以至于当她说“僻静”时,在她跟前,就像站在季风的中心。
      Furthermore, she possesses a speech impediment so audibly juicy that to be near her when she pronounces a word like " sequestered " is equivalent to standing at the center of a monsoon.
