口出不逊[kǒu chū bú xùn]
词典make impertinent remarks:出言不逊;有天没日;口出不逊。
词典talk harshly:口出不逊;厉声。
词典use unparliamentary [rude
词典blackguard] language
口出不逊[kǒu chū bú xùn]
make impertinent remarks; talk harshly; use unparliamentary [rude; blackguard] language
1. 口出不逊什么意思
1. 日前,一名醉醺醺的乘客因为对英国皇家航空公司的机组乘务人员口出不逊,被中途留在了靠近非洲大陆的一个小岛上。
The Airbus plane, heading from northern England to the Spanish holiday island of Tenerife, diverted to the Portuguese island, which is just 10 miles long and four miles wide.
2. 口出不逊什么意思
2. 刚才康亲王来奏,说那厮整日大叫大嚷,口出不逊的言语。
That's why I didn't have him sent to the Board of Punishment's Tian Lao prison.
3. 口出不逊什么意思
3. 日前,一名醉醺醺的乘客因为对英国皇家航空公司的机组乘务人员口出不逊,被中途留在了靠近非洲大陆的一个小岛上。
A drunken passenger on a holiday flight from England to Spain was dropped at a tiny island off the African coast after he swore at the cabin crew, a newspaper reported Friday.