

发闷[fā mēn]





发闷[fā mèn]


发闷 双语例句

1. 应:在贬低Brightness时,给出格夺纲不克不及让图像发闷
    A: in reducing Brightness, pay special attention not to let image noticed.

2. 发闷的翻译

2. 我经常感到心前区痛和心跳,有时我因胸部发闷而醒来,我还感到心跳加快。
    P: I often feel precordial pain and palpitation. sometimes I wake with a feeling of tightness in the chest during the night.

3. 发闷的近义词

3. 在夏天没有空调时,能把人热得发闷,不想活动。
    In the summer without air conditioning, it can help people in the heat of nausea, not activities.

4. 发闷

4. 在中国的 Peope(应该是people,人们)令人发闷的真正的人才是专家,因此,zhangsan 可能没有机会长大成为一个超级明星。
    One in the world. Peope in China are expert in stifling real talents, so zhangsan may have no chance to be brought up to become a super star.

5. 发闷的意思

5. 那时我觉得乳房会涨痛,胸口发闷
    At that time, I feel that the breast will涨痛, stuffy chest hair!

6. 令人很 发闷,直译的话就是:我们所有人都梦见自己将来想做的事和想得到的东西,尤其是成为明星(dream about sth 多指梦见某事) What do you mean ?
    We all dream about things that we would like to do and things we hope to achieve in the future. especially being a star.

7. 发闷在线翻译

7. 可怜的人,我曾多少次下了决心,到她那生前的小房间去,找出她那本叫人伤心的剪贴簿来阅读啊。那是在她的那些画使我感到心里发闷,甚至对她有些情绪的时候。
    Poor thing, many's the time I made myself go up to the little room that used to be hers and get out her poor old scrap-book and read in it when her pictures had been aggravating me and I had soured on her a little.

8. 与其坐在家里发闷,莫如出去走走。
    It would be better to go for a walk than stay at home all alone.

9. 亚特兰大比萨凡纳或查尔斯顿或塔拉都要有趣得多,它提供给了你这么许多新奇的战时消遣,以致她很少有工夫去思索去发闷了。
    Atlanta was more interesting than Savannah or Charleston or Tara and it offered so many strange war-time occupations she had little time to think or mope.

10. “至是日一早,宝玉起来时袭人早已把书笔文物包好,收拾的停停妥妥,坐在床沿上发闷。”
    " On the day appointed, while Baoyu was still asleep, Xiren made a neat package of his books and writing materials, then sat down dejectedly on the edge of the kang. "

11. 我打开窗户你介意吗?里面有点发闷
      Do you mind if I opened the window? It's getting stuffy in here.

12. 发闷的意思

12. 天气发闷
      The weather is close.

13. 发闷

13. 在夏天没有空调时,能把人热得发闷,不想活动。
      No air-conditioning in the summer, heat can help people attain the doldrums, not activities.

14. 一些压缩唱片的特点是声音发闷;录音室的短混响墙面。
      Dead sounds characteristic of some compact discs; the dead wall surfaces of a recording studio.

15. 发闷的近义词

15. 飞机在北京机场着陆后我就感觉到耳朵里发闷并且疼的厉害。
      I noticed a fullness in my ear associated with a sharp pain inside right after the plane landed at the beijingairport.

16. 肚子过撑,脑袋发闷:餐馆里难有灵感。
      A full Belly makes a dull Brain: The Muses starve in a Cook's Shop.

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. 古琴面板弧度的增大使共鸣体的固有频率也随之增大,整体音色更柔和但发闷
      The natural frequency of resonator increases with the increasing of the radian parameter of faceplate, which has a gentle but muffled sound.

18. “至是日一早,宝玉起来时袭人早已把书笔文物包好,收拾的停停妥妥,坐在床沿上发闷。”
      " On the day appointed, while Baoyu was still asleep, Xiren made a neat package of his books and writing materials, then sat down dejectedly on the edge of the kang. "
