

发肤[fà fū]



发肤 双语例句

1. 我终於明白,我们的发肤,不仅受之於父母,我们所能有的一切,都是生命的造化、命运的恩赐。
    I finally realized: my hair, my skin -- not only are they inherited from my parents, but all that we have comes from the favor of a creator.

2. 谁能知道,将有什麼荆棘伤你发肤
    Who's to say what it is will break you?

3. 一经刊出,可获赠由法国 Mustela 送出价值$283的初生婴儿护理套装(包括水份润面霜、2合1发肤沐浴露及维他命换片护肤膏)。
    If your story is published, you will receive a newborn care set from Mustela, the No. 1 top seller in European pharmacies*.

4. 可是他总是被描写成发肤整洁,衣履无尘,悠然挺立。
    Yet he is always represented clean, combed, and sleek, in spotless raiment, erect.

5. 神在爱中创造了我的生命、身体发肤、思想感情,也创造了浩瀚的宇宙世界,无论是空气雨露、阳光星月、春花秋叶,在在显出祂细致温柔的爱,可是我却到现在才得到这个爱。
    In His love, God created me and gave me a wonderful physical body, emotion and mind. He also created this immense universe which in every way manifests His tender care and love. I did not know this love earlier because I stubbornly held on to my selfish desire and pride.

6. 发肤的反义词

6. 给自己的情书歌手:王菲|作曲:C Y Kong 填词:林夕|编曲:C Y Kong 请不要灰心你也会有人妒忌你仰望到太高贬低的只有自己别荡失太早旅游有太多胜地你记住你的发肤会与你庆祝钻禧*啦啦啦慰藉自己开心的东西要专心记起啦啦啦爱护自己是地上拾到的真理*#写这高贵情书用自言自语作我的天书自己都不爱怎麼相爱怎麼可给爱人好处这千斤重情书在夜栏尽处如门前大树没有他倚靠归家也不必撇雨#请不要哀伤我会当你是偶像你要别人怜爱先安装一个药箱做什麼也好别为著得到赞赏你要强壮到底再去替对方设想 REPEAT*#啦。。。。。。。
    I am learning to.

7. 爱惜你的每一寸发肤
    Love every inch of your body.

8. 发肤的近义词

8. 这个发肤黝深的女猎手,情如火燎,实是世间一切渴求的最奇妙不过的象征,而且实在动人。
    That dark, tender huntress, so full of fire and yearning, had the queerest power of symbolizing all longing, and moving one's heart.

9. 发肤的反义词

9. 这个发肤黝深的女猎手,情如火燎,实是世间一切渴求的最奇妙不过的象征,而且实在动人。
    That dark, tender huntress, so full of fire and yearning, had the queerest power of symbolizing all longing, and moving one`s heart.

10. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

10. 这个发肤黝深的女猎手,情如火燎,实是世间一切渴求的最奇妙不过的象征,而且实在动人。
    That dark, tender huntress, so full of fire and yearning, had the queerest power of symbolising all longing, and moving one's heart.

11. 发肤的反义词

11. 这个发肤黝深的女猎手,情如火燎,实是世间一切渴求的最奇妙不过的象征,而且实在动人。
      That dark, tende r huntress, so full of fire and yearning, had the queerest power of symbolising all longing, and moving one's heart.

12. 这个发肤黝深的女猎手,情如火燎,实是世间一切渴求的最奇妙不过的象征,而且实在动人。
      That dark, tender huntress, so full of fire and yearn ing, had the queerest power of symbolising all longing, and moving one's heart.
