

参差错落[cēn cī cuò luò]


词典confused with errors and omission参差错落。

参差错落 汉英大词典

参差错落[cēn cī cuò luò]


(参错; 错误脱漏) confused with errors and omission

参差错落 双语例句

1. 参差错落

1. 这种参差错落、变动不定的复杂笔触、复杂色彩与事先预置的做底肌理有机天成的结合,又形成其油画斑驳陆离的表面效果。
    Sometimes I would use dotted and broken lines cutting through the pages to create jewelry-like luxurious sense for my painting.

2. 他们的兴旺,与其说是得力于整齐划一,不如说是得力于参差错落
    They prospered in their diversity more than in uniformity.

3. 中国园林则完全不同,既不求轴线对称,也没有任何规则可循,相反却是山环水抱,曲折蜿蜒,不仅花草树木任自然之原貌,即使人工建筑也尽量顺应自然而参差错落,力求与自然融合。
    The Chinese botanical garden completely is different, also does not ask the spool thread to be symmetrical, als

4. 参差错落的反义词

4. 农舍是常见的那种江南农舍,竹林更是常见的江南竹林,而这里的十几座参差错落的小山丘却不平凡。
    The bamboo grove and the farmhouses are very normal in the regions south of the Yangtze River, but more than ten massifs which scattered at random are unusual.

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. 大大小小的城堡林立,高高低低参差错落
    Large and small castles everywhere, scattered jagged uneven.

6. 参差错落

6. 五环之外,北京像张开的手指一样向外蔓延,郊区的高层住宅、别墅群、冒着黑烟的工厂参差错落,但这些并没有玷污北京的传奇色彩。
    Beyond the Fifth Ring Beijing extends in thick fingers of suburban high-rise and a puzzling amalgamation of villa-parks and village factories looming in clouds around them. Yet none of these realities seem to tarnish the myth of Beijing.

7. 父亲在庭院里耙落叶。院中篱落,参差错落,别有风趣。
    Father is raking fallen leaves in the garden. The fences in the yard are irregular and strewn at random, which has a unique appeal.

8. 参差错落的翻译

8. 一是句式的参差错落,也就是长句子与短句子的搭配。
    The first is the sentence of the mixed scattered, that is, long sentences and short sentences with.
