

去暑[qù shǔ]


去暑 双语例句

1. 它十分招人喜欢,不仅因为它长得小巧玲珑,非常可爱,更因为它口感清爽,汁水清凉既解渴去暑
    Liked it very much, not only because it looks small and very cute, but also because of its refreshing taste, thirst-quenching both cool.

2. 在夏日吃上几颗杨梅,能去暑解闷。
    Yangmei few eat in the summer can去暑relief of boredom.

3. 夏天一碗绿豆汤,解毒去暑赛仙方。
    Summer, a bowl of bean soup, detoxification Qu Shu Fang Xian race.

4. 乌梅富含柠檬酸,苹果酸、琥珀酸,谷甾醇,齐墩果酸样物质等成分,夏天可用乌梅汁作饮品,能去暑解渴,且能醒酒、保肝、养颜。
    The taste of Wumei is sour, and its nature is mild.

5. 寒去暑来,风雨无阻。
    We played through the rain the wind and the heat.

6. 再配以肉质细嫩、下锅即食、久涮不老的草原羔羊肉,使小尾羊火锅具有春防温、夏去暑、秋祛湿、冬御寒的独特功效。
    With further tender meat, hack-ready-to-eat, for a long time not to rinse the old prairie lamb meat, so that the small-tailed sheep with a hot spring anti-Wen, Qu Shu Xia, Qushi autumn and winter to keep out the cold of the unique efficacy.
