厌腻[yàn nì]
sate; satiety
1. 厌腻的解释
1. sated adj:sate v.使心满意足,使厌腻 | sated adj.厌腻 | satiated a.;厌倦的,生腻的
1. 然而,一旦到了这个时候,也是男人逐渐厌腻的时候。
However, once this time, but also a time when a man gradually satiation.
2. 对这种人来说,多一种新的乐趣,多一种新的刺激只是增加一分厌腻而已。
For them discipline in one form or another is the most hopeful path.
3. 厌腻
3. 多一种新的刺激只是增加一分厌腻而已。
A new excitement is only an additional satiation.
4. 游戏区别罚款,厌腻了用细节的组的时间表。
Game distinguishes fine, sated the schedule with set of details.
5. 厌腻的翻译
5. 至于能任意支配一切的人他们能够肆为,能染指一切追求的目标。对这种人来说,多一种新的刺激只是增加一分厌腻而已。
As for the people who can cnmand everything they want, who can gratify every caprice and lay their hands on almost every object of desire — for them a new pleasure, a new excitement is only an additional satiation.
6. 至于能任意支配一切的人他们能够肆为,能染指一切追求的目标。对这种人来说,多一种新的刺激只是增加一分厌腻而已。
As for the people who can command everything they want, who can gratify every caprice and lay their hands on almost every object of desire — for them a new pleasure, a new excitement is only an additional satiation.
7. 不道德的、令人厌腻的、乏味的上层社会那病态的甜蜜生活(约翰西蒙)
The sickeningly sweet life of the amoral, jaded, bored upper classes (John Simon)
8. 皇家婚典那一周内的庆祝活动多得足以使大多数人感到厌腻。
During the week of the royal wedding there were enough festivities to satiate most people.
9. 厌腻的解释
9. 饱食之后再也不想吃东西的厌腻感觉。
The feeling of satiety after a meal, which discourages further eating.
10. 你爱,但永不知道令人厌腻的爱的悲哀。
Thou lovest, but ne'er knew love's sad satiety.
11. 我搂抱他,百般疼爱他,同时我始终感到厌腻、疲倦、精疲力尽。
I hugged him, fussed over him, and all the while I felt sick and tired and beaten.
12. 911查询·英语单词
12. 没多久听众对他枯燥无味的演说就感到厌腻了。
The audience soon grew tired of his arid speech.
13. 厌腻的翻译
13. 加太多香料的食物厌腻他的胃口。
Too much spicy food cloyed his appetite.
14. 厌腻的解释
14. 玛丽感到厌腻了她的那些朋友,厌烦了半年来的虚荣,野心,爱情和失意。
Mary had had quite enough of her own friends, enough of her vanity, ambition, love and disappointment in the course of the last half year.
15. 厌腻的翻译
15. 过于油腻的食物很快会使人厌腻。
Too rich food soon disgusts.
16. 厌腻的意思
16. 那姊妹俩聪明美丽,对他情意绵绵,给他那颗厌腻的心带来一点欢愉。
The sisters, handsome, clever, and encouraging, were an amusement to his sated mind;
17. 厌腻的反义词
17. 度量之火要么导致厌腻、冷漠和疏忽,要么导致一种更加广阔深入的探寻。
The flame of measurement leads either to satiety, indifference and neglect, or to a wider and deeper enquiry.