

卡脖子[qiǎ bó zi]

词典seize sb. by the throat -- put to death卡脖子。

卡脖子 汉英大词典

卡脖子[qiǎ bó zi]

seize sb. by the throat -- put to death

卡脖子 网络解释

1. throttle; stranglehold:77.推:push | 78.卡脖子:throttle; stranglehold | 79.咬人:biting

2. strangle hold:蹬腿防守 straighten leg in defense; | 卡脖子 strangle hold | 左右連續進攻 strike from both sides in quick succession

3. stranglehold; choke; clutch at the throat:107.反抱肩颈:reverse head-lock | 108.卡脖子:stranglehold; choke; clutch at the throat | 109.潜入:duck

4. 卡脖子

4. Ka:Ga 嘎七玛八 嘎然而止 嘎嘎吱吱 | Ka 卡脖子 | Ken 肯堂肯构

卡脖子 双语例句

1. 这一切是卡脖子造成的?
    All this is because of the strangulation?

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 原因在于选配的油压阀门设计存在不足使其开度不够,因此阀板占用一定通道面积,产生阻力形成卡脖子现象。
    The reason is that matching the design shortcomings of the hydraulic valve opening so that it is not enough, so valve plate area occupied by a certain channel, resulting in the phenomenon of resistance to the formation of Kabo Zi.

3. 解决好卡脖子路、断头路问题,进一步提高农村公路建设标准,扩大规模。
    Solve卡脖子Road, 断头路problems, further improve the rural road construction standards, expanding the scale.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. 更新的繁荣时代在南中国海将需要地区的合作差不多是卡脖子竞争。
    Renewed boom times in the South China Sea will require regional cooperation as much as cutthroat competition.

5. 那么,嗯。。。莎拉,你能再次向我展示超级酷的秘密间谍卡脖子吗?
    So, uh...Sarah, could you show me that super-cool secret agent choke hold again?

6. 玻璃包装该用什么宋小瑛我国是世界上第一玻璃生产大国,年产1亿多重量箱平板玻璃,玻璃现我国是世界可热的俏货;然而,就在平板玻璃产销形势风风火火之时,玻璃运输却碰到了一个卡脖子的问题:用现有的包装,保险公司不愿保险,铁路部门不愿装车,玻璃生产企业大声呼喊。。。
    Glass, one of the best seller in market, faces a heavy loss be cause of its package.

7. 改造卡脖子设备提高尿素装置能力
    Modifying the bottle-neck equipment to increase the urea plant capacity

8. 着力解决交通运输“卡脖子”路段,进一步优化能源结构。
    We will work hard to resolve transportation bottlenecks and continue to upgrade energy structure.

9. 因此,农村金融难也就成为了农业发展的一个卡脖子问题。
    Therefore, the difficulties of rural financial have become a troublesome issue on agriculture development.

10. 对黑河流域水资源的组成类型和时空分布特征进行了分析,以降水补给为主的地表径流,季节变化大,是作物春季形成卡脖子旱的主因。
    The paper analysed the water resources component types and the time and spatial distributional characteristics of the Heihe River Basin, The surface runoff that mainly supplied by precipitation varies largely with the seasons which is the main reason of the drought of crops in the spring.
