

卞和 双语例句

1. 春秋楚人卞和抱玉入楚国,两献璞玉而见疑遭砍脚冤刑,楚山下大哭三日以鸣其冤,令人感动,终使稀世之玉名扬千古。
    Spring and Autumn into Chu and Chu Bian, presented uncut and see the two were suspected to have been cut criminal injustice feet, crying Yamashita Chu-ming on the 3rd to the injustice, it is moved, an end to the famous ancient jade rare.

2. 厉王大怒,以欺君之罪砍下卞和的左脚。
    Furious to欺君之罪Bian and left foot cut off.

3. 卞和捧着璞玉去见楚厉王,历王命玉工查看,玉工说这只不过是一块石头。
    Bian and holding厉王Chu went to see the uncut, Li Yu-workers view王命, jade workers say that this is only a stone.

4. 说是在春秋时期,楚国有一个叫卞和的琢玉能手,在荆山里得到一块璞玉。
    Said to be in the Spring and Autumn Period, Chu called Bian and a master of琢玉, in an uncut Jingshan received.

5. 作者:许东峰,胡铭,卞和星,孙良作者单位:南京中医药大学附属昆山中医院,江苏昆山
    XU Dong-feng, HU Ming, BIAN He-xing, et al Kunshan Chinese Medicine Hospital of Nanjing Chinese Medicine University, Kunshan 215300, China

6. 卞和在线翻译

6. 厉王死,武王即位,卞和再次捧着理玉去见武王,武王又命玉工查看,玉工仍然说只是一块石头,卞和因此又失去了右脚。
    Death, King ascended the throne, and once again holding the rationale Bian Yu went to see King, Yu-Ming Wang also works to view, Yu said work is still only a stone, Bian, and therefore lost his right foot.

7. 在这里,至今仍保留了哭卞和庙,把卞和当神,对亡人感恩,给竹子戴孝、给果树贴红、喂饭等习俗。
    Here, still retains the cry Bian and temple to Bian, and as a god, to the Dead Thanksgiving, give bamboo mourning, to the fruit paste of red, fed and other practices.

8. 卞和什么意思

8. 现存有禹王宫、启母石以及荆山上的白乳泉、卞和洞等诸多名胜散落在青山绿水间。
    There existing Yuwang Palace, Kai Mother Stone and White Ruquan, Bian and holes, and many other attractions scattered among the mountains.
