

单门独户[dān mén dú hù]

词典single isolated house单门独户。


词典detached house独立式住宅;单门独户。

单门独户 汉英大词典

单门独户[dān mén dú hù]

single isolated house; detached house

单门独户 双语例句

1. 单门独户的解释

1. 何家梁8户人家中有5户姓何,邱家是单门独户
    Of the Hejialiang households, five of them have last name He and the Qiu family is the only one with that name.

2. 又如果你居住在单门独户,那么你就责无旁贷要打扫和清理该房子和院子。
    If you live in a single-family home, you must take good care of the house and the yard.

3. 日本的人口为 1 19 亿,其中足有 76%住在城市,在那里社区和几世同堂的大家庭已经成为过去,而取而代之的是单门独户的两代之家。
    With economic growth has come centralization; fully 76 percent of Japan's 119 million citizens live in cities where community and the extended family have been abandoned in favor of isolated, two generation households.

4. 单门独户

4. 在一亿一千九百万日本人当中,至少有 76%住在城市。城市中那种社区和几世同堂的大家庭已经成为过去,而取而代之的是单门独户的两代之家。
    Fully 76 percent of Japan's 119 million citizens live in cities where community and the extended family have been abandoned in favor of isolated, two generation households.

5. 单门独户

5. 但每个拥有带栅栏后院且单门独户住房的人就可以饲养16只鸡和8只兔。
    But anyone with a single family house and a fenced backyard could keep as many as 16 chickens and 8 rabbits.

6. 日本的人口为1.19亿,其中足有76%住在城市,在那里社区和几世同堂的大家庭已经成为过去,而取而代之的是单门独户的两代之家。
    With economic growth has come centralization; fully 76 percent of Japan's 119 million citizens live in cities where community and the extended family

7. 单门独户的意思

7. 随着经济的发展,居住集中化也跟着来了,在日本1亿1900万人当中,足有76%住在城市,在那里社区和几世同堂的大家庭已经成为过去,而取而代之的是单门独户的两代之家。
    With economic growth has come centralization; fully 76 percent of Japan's 119 million citizens live in cities where community and the extended family have been abandoned in favor of isolated, two-generation households.

8. 各色各样的别墅群,单门独户,相--在一片片绿色的草坪上,别墅的周围栽种了许多奇花异树。
    Theassorted all kinds villa group, the solitary household, -- in greenlawn, villa periphery has planted many wonderful flowered differenttrees a piece by piece.
