1. 其以艺术为方便,以佛较为内涵,以金木水火土为众缘,演绎了殊胜佛法,成就了妙相庄严,从佛、菩萨、罗汉画像到佛教供具,从山水、莲花、树木到殿宇梵刹,一陶一瓷,五彩焕然,如一个圆融无碍的华藏世界,宛然万象,耀人心田。
From the portraits of the Buddha, Bodhisattvas and Arhats, to worshipping kits used in temples, from the images of mountains and water, lotus, trees to temples and monasteries depicting various Buddhist themes, the wonderful displays of ceramics represent the fabulous and perfectly harmonious world of enligheenment and realization of Buddhism.
2. 但是在华藏世界,你不必等到秋天才能亲睹每一片叶子变成花朵,你可以在春季就看到这一切。
But in the Avatamsaka you don't have to wait till Autumn to see each leaf as a flower.
3. 华藏的解释
3. 但是在华藏世界,你不必等到秋天才能亲睹每一片叶子变成花朵,你可以在春季就看到这一切。
You can see it as a flower in Spring.
4. danci.911chaxun.com
4. 在华藏世界,充满空阔旷远的空间。
In the Avatamsaka realm there is a lot of space.
5. 华藏的翻译
5. 当你进入华藏世界,你就会明白,佛陀就在当下。
You don't have to travel to the foot of the bodhi tree.
6. 在华藏世界里,每一类人都有,他们中每一位都发光,觉悟之光。
We have every type of person in the Avatamsaka world, and each one of them emits light, the light of mindfulness.
7. 梵宫里最特别的是让人叹为观止天象图;由琉璃、黄金、翡翠、猫眼等珍贵珠宝融合而成的佛教传世之作-华藏世界,及28层莲花瓣灯环抱组成的穹顶圣坛。
This palace is built for Second World Buddhist Forum and is full of artwork and treasure.
8. 华藏
8. 当你进入华藏世界,你就会明白,佛陀就在当下。
And when you are in the Avatamsaka you know that the Buddha is available.
9. 华藏
9. 自在是我们在华藏世界所拥有的。
Freedom is what we have in the Avatamsaka world.
10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
10. 在华藏世界中,每一事物都存在于其他事物之中。
In the Avatamsaka everything is in everything else.
11. 自在是我们在华藏世界所拥有的。
Looking at everything, we recognize it as a flower.
12. danci.911cha.com
12. 在华藏世界,时光是如此悠长。
In the Avatamsaka world there is a lot of time.
13. 在华藏世界,光充满着。
In the Avatamsaka realm, there is a lot of light.
14. 华藏在线翻译
14. 在华藏世界,光充满着。
Everyone is emitting light.
15. 华藏在线翻译
15. 步入寺内,迎面的华藏玄门两旁的一幅对联善与人知,不是真善。
Entered the Temple, there is a pair of Scrolls on both sides: kind and the people know, not real kind.
16. 华藏
16. 此外李通玄将菩萨修行的内容与华藏世界相结合的解读极富特色,是将华藏世界信仰付诸实践的重要参考。
In addition, Li Tongxuan combine the bodhisattva practice content and the avatamsaka world, this interpretation is special and useful reference of practice.
17. 华藏
17. 华藏光明·ALCOO 是中国一流的数字影像及音乐制作公司,开创了独家的数字化制作流程,具备独特的创意视角,在动漫、影视、广告、音乐、文化经典方面积累了大量成功作品,多次获全国大奖并赢得社会的广泛关注与赞誉。
As a first-class digital image and music company in China, ALCOO has established a digital production process from a unique creative perspective. We have accomplished a great deal of successful pieces in areas of comic and animation, video, advertising, music and culture classics, which have received many national awards and aroused wide social recognition.