

Half new;
半新半旧 双语例句

1. 阿建母亲把阿建他们穿过的半新半旧的时髦衣服拣了些给李老俵,自己做了好吃的也叫上他一声,这时的村里,已经看不到什么年轻力壮的人了,大家都外出了,荒凉寂寞的村庄虽然也天天升起袅袅炊烟,但再没有牛哞人喧的热闹场面。
    Ahjian's mother picked out some fashionable clothes to Lee which Ahjian and his brothers had worn, when she cooked some delicious food, she also carried some to him. There were no many strong and young people in the village at this time, they all went to cities to work, though the lonely and desolate village rose curl cooking smoke as usual, there was no lively scene where people were talking and cattle were bellowing.

2. 半新半旧的反义词

2. 丽江是一个半新半旧的小城。
    Lijiang is half new town and half old town.

3. 半新半旧是什么意思

3. 半新半旧的言情主角身上体现了作者新旧合璧的文化理想,爱情选择中渗透着浓郁的文化选择的意味。
    Leading actors who combine old and new style in love show that the author tried to combine traditional and modern culture.
