1. 升列
1. 而在吴零点分解定理中,多个代数扩域上的因式分解是非常基本的一步,主要用于不可约升列的计算。
However, in order to compute the irreducible ascending chain in Wu's method, polynomial factorizations over successive algebraic extension fields are needed.
2. 升列的翻译
2. 对有理数域或特征为正的素域上的多项式升列,给出了把它的零点集分解为不可约分支的算法.该算法可以在计算机上用王定康的软件包wsolve实现。
In this paper we give an algorithm to decompose the zeros of a polynomial ascending set over retional field or prime fields of positive characteristics into irreducible components, which can be realized on computer by the software package ″ wsolve ″ of D. K.