


词典Duel in the Jungle[电影]千里姻缘。

千里姻缘 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 他又是谁?难道他现在已经知道与涛儿乃是前生带来的姻缘,虽然已在阴司地府中走过了一遭,可他道行距离看破前生今世因果还差着十万八千里,那是进入汶川境方能修成的神通。
    Who is he? Does he now know Tao is the former child brought about by marriage, although the Secretary has been overcast and Fuchu been through a can walk away from his former Daoxing causal future of thousands of miles away is even worse, it is to enter Wenchuan Habitat`s magical powers in order to Xiucheng.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 远在天南地北,竟可以因一个偶然而相互期许,所以,才有千里姻缘一线牵的说法。
    In spite of the GRE at distance between them, people may fall in love incidentally.

3. 看见她非常郁闷、非常不开心的样子,她的母亲杨吴氏就尽力开导她、安慰她,说她和薛将军乃是天生的一对,是人人羡慕的美满婚姻,是千里姻缘一线牵。
    Seeing how unhappy she was, her mother started telling her that this was the best (75) possible.

4. 不要害怕孤单,只要你已准备好接受爱情,自有千里姻缘一线牵。
    Do not fear bei ng alone. Others will help you meet new friends, but you must be ready to welc ome love.

5. 千里姻缘

5. 一个绳上的蚂蚱对另一个蚂蚱说:虽然我们来自不同的地方,彼此互不相识,千里姻缘一线牵,这也是缘啦,谁叫我们生活在这样的国度里呢?
    A locust said to another bound on the same rope, Though we come from different places and never saw each other before., we are now bound op to the same string.

6. 千里姻缘一线牵,这牵线的红娘也是你们大喜的根源。
    A long distance opportunity is a glimmer of to lead long, this lead long the red 娘 of the line is also your exultation of source.
