

Hills upon hills;
千峰万壑 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 黄龙洞实际上是一个天然的岩洞,它面对层林叠嶂的千峰万壑,空气干而不燥,润而不湿,四季清幽凉爽。
    Huanglong hole is actually a natural cave, which face storied plantation of Upper Permian requirement founded, but not dry air dry, rather than wet-Run, Four Seasons beautiful cool.

2. 千峰万壑的近义词

2. 由于九龙峡的局部环境特殊,常见云雾飘游于山腰,流动于千峰万壑之间,或成涛涛云海,浩瀚无际,或与朝霞、落日相映,色彩斑斓,壮美瑰丽。
    Kowloon Gap because of the special circumstances of the local common飘游clouds in the mountain, the flow in between the万壑Shiqianfeng, or into a sea of clouds Taotao, the vast boundless or Zhaoxia, matched the sunset, colorful, magnificent beauty.

3. 千峰万壑在线翻译

3. 他是真正傲视千峰万壑的伟人。
    He is truly a great man boast of Qianfeng Wanhe.
