1. 十九世纪末二十纪初,基督教开始传入中国西南少数民族地区,汉、苗、傈僳等民族的部分群众相继皈依基督教。
At the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century, Christianity was introduced into Ethnic minority areas in southwest China, some Han people and such minority groups as Miao, Lisu converted to Christianity one after another.
2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
2. 二00二年出席亚洲艺术节并获得『福田进一国际吉他大师班文凭』,二00五年获得『打田十纪夫国际吉他大师班文凭』,二00六年于国家高等音乐学府——中国音乐学院进修获得『首届全国吉他师资班文凭』并受聘担任音乐考级委员会辅导教师,二00七年出席福州吉他艺术节并获得中央音乐学院『陈志教授吉他大师班文凭』,现任珠海市吉他学会会长、珠海市音乐家协会副秘书长、珠海吉他乐团团长、中国「珠海」吉他艺术节暨吉他大赛组委会主席。
He is the chairman of guitar community of ZhuHai, assistant secretary of musicians association of Zhuhai, the chairman of holders committee for guitar art festival in China, guest professor in HONKONG ASIA ACADEMY OF MUSIC and USA International Institute of Arts, experts and national coucilman in mucician accociates of China, ets. Mr WU rises his fame not only in the whole province but also in the hongkong and macau, where has his influnence in many important guitar contests.