

Eighteen hell;
十八地狱 双语例句

1. 所有沉在恶运底下、陷在无人怜恤的十八层地狱里面、被法律所摈弃的人们,觉得这个社会的全部重量都压在他们的头上,这种社会对处在它外面的人是多么可怕,对处在它下面的人是多么可怕。
    Souls which have fallen to the bottom of all possible misfortune, unhappy men lost in the lowest of those limbos at which no one any longer looks, the reproved of the law, feel the whole weight of this human society, so formidable for him who is without, so frightful for him who is beneath, resting upon their heads.

2. 环悬空岛南部,建有十八层地狱,内置阎王、判宫、鬼卒、鬼魂等塑像,用现代科技操纵,并以声控、光控和配音置景,环悬空岛西北部,是起伏的长城;东北角是镇海塔,塔下为迷宫。
    Central left the south, there are 18 layers of hell, Hades built sentenced Palacegui zu, the ghost of such a statue, using modern technology to manipulate and voice-activated, light control and home dubbing King, Central left the island north-west, is the ups and downs Great Wall; hai ta the northeast corner of the town, under the tower maze.

3. 就算你要去拿的是阎王爷的心,我也会跟你到十八层地狱!!
    Even if you are trying to get the heart of Satan, I will follow you to the deepest hell!

4. 就算你要去拿的是阎王爷的心,我也会跟你到十八层地狱!!
    Evenif you are trying to get the heart of Satan, I will follow youto the deepest hell!

5. 如果说我以前曾经工作过的公司是建在地平面上的话,这公司就是地下十八层地狱。
    I am sorry that you have to leave this company.

6. 中国的阴间地狱则由十殿阎王分别掌管着十八层地狱,十八层地狱是纵向分布,罪恶越重的灵魂越居于下层,其苦刑惩罚也越重。
    The more serious his torture is, the lower layer he lives. While China`s hell combines by eighteen layers which are in charge of by ten palace Yana. The eighteen layers are distributed longtudinal, like the hell described by Dante.

7. 十八地狱什么意思

7. 相信十八层地狱,所以不敢做伤人的事。
    Believe in hell existence, not dare to do anything harmful.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. 虽然我们也讲天堂和地狱,但面对死亡的时候,人们多数想到的是阴间,甚至是十八层地狱。
    Although we, too, talk about heaven and hell, the mere mention of death tends to make us think of hell.

9. 这他妈的不过是从十八层地狱到了十七层!
    We arrive at the 17th floor just from 18th of hell.!

10. 十八地狱什么意思

10. 十八层地狱就是给我这种前摩门教徒去的。
    The worst part of hell is reserved for ex-Mormons like me.

11. 几年来的风风雨雨发生在我身边,有人把我捧上三十九重天,有人把我打下十八层地狱。
      In recent years the groundless talk happened around me, someone put me up on the thirty-nine day, people treat me lay at the bottom of the hell.

12. 阴间,冥府死者居住的地方,与犹太人的阴司和希腊人的阴世相同;冥府皮影戏《地府》的说明:皮影戏传说中阴间地府中十八层地狱。
      The abode of the dead, identified with the Hebrew Sheol and the Greek Hades; the underworld. Leather-silhouette, Hell (Introduction): Eighteen layers of hell of nether world in leather-silhouette legends.

13. 我已经在十八层地狱了,你一定要来。
      I'm in the seventh circle of hell, you better show up.

14. 十八地狱的翻译

14. 嘿,把他打入十八层地狱里去吧。
      Oh, muck him to deepest hell.
